Topic: Images from Picasa

I used Simpleviewer to publish pictures from my Picasa albums and it was perfect for me, exept that Simpleviewer work this Flash.

So  try to use JuiceBox for the same use, and a have a problem i can't solve.

Juicebox do not load the picture in the full resolution , and only displays 512 pix images, (the pictures are 1600pix). If I use the tag "imageScaleMode=Scale" ,  Juicebox stretch the 512 pix pictures to fill the screeen, but do not une the 1600 pix.

you can see un example with the 2 galeries: one with Juicebox (on top), and the same pictures with Simpleviewer (bottom) … adagascar/

Thanks for your help.

Re: Images from Picasa

It looks like there might be an issue (an escaped '&' character) with the query string for the Picasa feed.
Please open the 'wp-juicebox/wp-juicebox.php' file in a plain text editor and replace line 1366 with the following:

$picasa_feed = '' . $this->remove_whitespace($picasa_user_id) . '/' . $term . '/' . $name . '?kind=photo&imgmax=1600';

This should hopefully solve the problem.
Please let me know how you get on. If the suggestion above works fine, then I will ensure that the bugfix is included in the next version of the plugin.
Please note that the line number above refers to the current version of WP-Juicebox (v1.4.4.1).

Re: Images from Picasa

Thanks for your fast answer.
I made the changes in line 1366.
It seems that it solved the problem :-). If i want to use 1920 pix pictures, should I change 1600 by 1920?

Now, i can use juicebox and Picasa, thanks very much

Re: Images from Picasa

I'm glad it works. Thank you for letting me know.

If i want to use 1920 pix pictures, should I change 1600 by 1920?

Yes. If you want to use larger images (assuming you have larger images uploaded to your Picasa Web Album), then you can increase the imgmax value to use them.

Re: Images from Picasa

I've just installed the new juicebox plugin wordpress 1.5.

It seem that there is stlll the same problem of max size.

I just inform you that I made the same modifications you told me last year, in line 1355 instead of 1366.

It works very well with this modification.

I think you can make the modification for the next update.

Best regards

Re: Images from Picasa

I'm not sure it would be wise to change the default image size for Picasa Web Album galleries.
If this setting was changed from 1600 to 1920, then this would affect all existing WP-Juicebox galleries using a Picasa Web Album as a source of images.
Other users may not want their existing galleries to be changed (to load larger images) by simply upgrading the WP-Juicebox plugin.

Also, Google seems to be slowing discontinuing support for the Picasa Web API. Existing galleries (created prior to Google acquiring Picasa) still display fine but new galleries (created or modified since the acquisition) can no longer be accessed via the API.

Therefore, I think it is unlikely that any new features will be added to WP-Juicebox with regard to the Picasa Web Album functionality.

However, changing the default image size is a quick and easy task (changing a single number in one file) for anyone who wants to do so.

Having said that, please feel free to post suggestions for future versions in the Feature Requests forum thread.
This keeps all ideas together and ensures that they are not overlooked by the developers.
Thank you.

Re: Images from Picasa

"Google seems to be slowing discontinuing support for the Picasa Web API. Existing galleries (created prior to Google acquiring Picasa) still display fine but new galleries (created or modified since the acquisition) can no longer be accessed via the API."

Google acquired Picasa years and years ago.  At first Picasa Web albums was their primary product for storing Photos on the web.  They've since moved to Google Plus, also tried using Google Drive, then to several iterations of Google Photos.  They do this arbitrarily and without any consulting with users, you just get a notice that things are changing.  Users protest in Forums and Google ignores them.  While your mileage may vary, a year go I saw the writing on the wall and moved my 6000+ pictures in 50+ albums from Picasa and Google, to being managed under Lightroom.  Then create Juicebox albums and move copies up to a Drupal 8 site, using the Juicebox module there.  You can keep full sized images under Lightroom, then resize them as needed for the web albums.  I assume this would work just fine for WP as it does in Drupal.  Just upload the albums and images with a FTP client and let PicasaWeb die a well deserved dusty death.

Re: Images from Picasa

I agree. If you keep all your images under your own control (on your own server/web space), then you cannot have the rug pulled out from under you by a third-party image host at a moment's notice if or when they decide to change their policies.