Topic: PC Busted

My pc died recently and I had Juicebox pro on it.

Do I need a new licence or can I move it over – if yes how do I do this?

My domain would have been and still is

I.E. I don't have access to any licence codes etc....

Re: PC Busted

Do I need a new licence or can I move it over...

There is no need to purchase Juicebox-Pro again. You can download a fresh copy of Juicebox-Pro and use it on your new computer.
Incidentally, you can install JuiceboxBuilder-Pro on up to 3 computers, as noted in this FAQ.

You can download the latest version of Juicebox-Pro (v1.5.0) using the link from your purchase email.
The link always points towards the latest version of Juicebox-Pro rather than the version you purchased (within the same major version number).
Please see the 'Upgrading Juicebox' support page for more information.

If you no longer have access to your purchase email (for example if your email was stored on your computer rather than a web server), then please fill in the 'Download Link Request Form' and the admin team will send you a new link.
Just fill in the form to the best of your ability (with an approximate purchase date if you cannot remember the exact date) and use the 'Additional Information' box at the foot of the form to add any notes which might help the admin team find your transaction details.
Thank you.