Topic: juicebox + drupal7 - cannot up more than 140 pics

Dear supporters,

Is there any help to resolve my problem? I read that if one use J-pro, one can upload unlimited pics on the gallery?!

Thx in advanve

Re: juicebox + drupal7 - cannot up more than 140 pics

There is technically no limit to the number of images you can display in a Juicebox-Pro gallery. However, if you have a large number of images in your gallery, make sure that you do not set imagePreloading="ALL" (in which case, Juicebox-Pro will preload all the images in your gallery which may cause your browser to crash).

Also, if you are using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro to create your gallery and are trying to add all your images at once, there may be a memory issue coming into play. Even if your computer has plenty of free RAM, Adobe AIR and/or Juicebox-Pro may not be able to allocate enough for the task at hand, in which case, the workaround would be to add your images in smaller batches.

Re: juicebox + drupal7 - cannot up more than 140 pics

Dear Steven, thx much for your answer.

where can I find this setting imagePreloading on drupal site, do I have to edit the raw file from Juicebox core and reupload again?

I did try to upload less the amout before, but it couldnt work too.

Re: juicebox + drupal7 - cannot up more than 140 pics

By default, imagePreloading is set to 'PAGE' so, unless you have changed it to 'ALL', there should be no need to alter this configuration option (and it will not affect the number of images that you can actually include in the gallery). In any Juicebox gallery (no matter how it is created), configuration options can be set in either the gallery's XML file (named 'config.xml' by default) or the gallery's embedding code as documented here.

If you are using the Juicebox module for Drupal (rather than the Embedding in a Drupal Site instructions) and need support for it, please post in the Drupal forum where the author of the plugin (not ourselves) should be able to help you further.