Topic: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

I have the disappearing caption with CROSS_FADE problem, but I haven't set the position to BOTTOM or BELOW_THUMBS. Here are my settings.


Will this be addressed soon? FADE doesn't do the trick because I have images with slideshow-style titles that should fade in and out.

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

Your gallery uses showImageOverlay="NEVER" and, by default, captionPosition is set to OVERLAY.
Either change showImageOverlay to AUTO or ALWAYS or change the value for captionPosition so it not OVERLAY, OVERLAY_IMAGE or NONE.
Please see here for possible values for the captionPosition configuration option.

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

I don't think you got my point. Everything works exactly the way I want it to as long as I don't use "CROSS_FADE". I do not want the caption to show unless the user presses the info button. My setup with showImageOverlay="NEVER" works fine whenever the info button is pressed, AS LONG AS the transition is "FADE" but not when it is "CROSS_FADE". "CROSS_FADE" makes the caption disappear (after the first image) if the captionPosition is "BOTTOM". This is an issue of the "CROSS_FADE" bug and I want to know if you are aware that the bug appears even when the position is not set to BOTTOM.

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

I forgot to add that the caption disappears if showImageOverlay is set to AUTO also when CROSS_FADE is used.

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

What version of Juicebox are your running? This sounds like a bug fixed in v1.3.2.

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

I'm running 1.3.2 as of a few days, but CROSS_FADE kills the caption the way I've set it up as per the settings in my earlier post

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

So far, I have been able to replicate the problem that you have reported only in Firefox 21 and Safari 5.1.7 locally (when viewing the gallery from my computer's hard drive) when using imageTransitionType="CROSS_FADE" in conjunction with either showImageOverlay="NEVER" or showOverlayOnLoad="FALSE".

My test gallery functions correctly in IE10 locally and in all browsers when the gallery has been uploaded to a web server.

Please post the URL to your gallery online so that I can take a look and investigate further. Thank you.

8 (edited by rajahornstein 2013-06-18 15:08:17)

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

I've tried the following two test galleries in Safari (Mac) 6.0.5 and Chrome (Mac) 27.0.1453.110.
<> and <>. The Fade example works fine, the cross_fade one doesn't: the caption shows up the first time you click the info button, but not after. I simplified the pro settings to:

imageTransitionType=”CROSS_FADE” or "FADE"

Just tried it on Windows XP and it DOES work on Windows IE 8. So it's a bug with the Mac side.

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

Thank you for the additional information.
I have been able to replicate the problem on Windows (as well as Mac) and have logged a bug report.
Hopefully this will be fixed in the next version of Juicebox-Pro but, in the meantime, the workaround would be to avoid the combination of imageTransitionType="CROSS_FADE" and showImageOverlay="NEVER".

10 (edited by rajahornstein 2013-06-19 05:49:45)

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

It's a little worse than that. I just tried a test <> with only the settings:
Click the nav arrow and it looks fine. Now click the info "i" button and the overlay disappears as expected. Click on the image to move to the next one. But now click the info button again. The nav arrows in the overlay reappear, BUT NOT THE CAPTION. Unpredictably, if you click on the image to go back or forward, the caption reappears. I have tested this only with Safari on the Mac, nothing on Windows.

Re: CROSS_FADE and caption conflict

I have noted this in the bug report.

Unpredictably, if you click on the image to go back or forward, the caption reappears.

It seems that the bug manifests itself when navigating between images when the Info Button has been set to hide the overlay.
If navigating between images when the overlay is being displayed, the captions are also displayed.