Topic: Embedding 2 Galleries on different web pages

I want to have a mini version of my gallery on my website home page.  I amended the original gallery and saved it in a separate folder - on my laptop, the original Juicebox files including config.xml are in folder called "Juicebox/", but the files and sub folders are in the root on the web server.  The new mini gallery was saved to "jb_small/" and following the instructions on the support page, I copied that folder across to the web server, referencing that folder in the script on the page, using "baseUrl".  This only shows a white box where the gallery container is (

I then tried to organise the whole thing a bit better, by moving the files for the main gallery on the web server to the folder "Juicebox", changing the references on the page.  Initially, when loading the page, it had a message "cannot find config.xml", so I moved that back to the root, and it then just showed a white screen.  I have now moved the files back to the original location and restored a back-up of the gallery page, so that works ok now.

This may be a stupid error, as I am a novice at HTML, so please forgive my innocence!


Re: Embedding 2 Galleries on different web pages

You need a comma after the baseUrl entry in your gallery's embedding code to separate it from the other configuration options.

baseUrl :"jb_small/"

... to:

baseUrl :"jb_small/",

Re: Embedding 2 Galleries on different web pages

Simple! Thanks