Topic: Flickr Tags Not Recognized

Hello - I'm a new Pro customer.

Several days ago, I launched JuiceboxBuilder and attempted to create a new slideshow, importing images from Flickr set 72157633388487585.  Within the app, I selected Flickr tag "birds."

When I click "Load Images," all the images of the set are displayed, not just the "birds" subset.

Reading your support forum, I figured it was because the tag had not yet propagated thru Flickr.  But now 4 days later, the problem still hasn't resolved.  I'm referencing a number of computers, so it isn't a cache issue.

Could you please investigate?  This will either be a godsend for us, or a deal breaker.


Re: Flickr Tags Not Recognized

It is not possible to display tagged images within a Flickr set.
You can choose to either display a set (using flickrSetId) or tagged images (using flickrTags in conjunction with either flickrUserName or flickrUserId) but not tagged images within a set.
This is a limitation of Flickr itself and is documented in the description of flickrSetId on the Config Options page.