Topic: How to auto-resize gallery for mobile device in iFrame

I'm using Template Site to build my website as I don't know code at all!  I have successfully embedded my galleries within an iFrame using their 'insert HTML Snippet' widget and they look great on all the desktop browsers I have tested.  However, on an iPhone either the gallery is very small and it is difficult to zoom out or scroll across due to the swipe to next image photo, or if I switch on the 'mobile view' function in Moonfruit the gallery doesn't appear to recognise that it is in a smaller browser so it is impossible to see the whole image.  Is there some kind of code I can add to the iFrame to make it automatically resize for mobile view?  I cannot add html code to the page itself, only the HTML snippet widget.  I tried using percentages but it didn't work, I guess because it's HTML, not CSS.

Here's an example of one of my galleries:

At the moment I have the mobile site function turned on so you will see what i mean about the iFrame not realising it's supposed to be smaller.

I will also post this question on Moonfruit's forums.
Hoping to have an answer very soon!  Thanks in advance xx

Re: How to auto-resize gallery for mobile device in iFrame

I notice that your gallery itself has a fixed width of 1000px. Try changing your gallery's dimensions (in the embedding code) to 100% x 100% so that it simply fills the iframe.
(If you had access to the code on the webpage, you could also scale the content for mobile devices by using the <meta> viewport tag.)

Re: How to auto-resize gallery for mobile device in iFrame

Hi there,
I only just realised I had a reply!  After a lot of fiddling I ended up changing the format of my galleries (with thumbnails below instead of to the side) on my galleries and turning off the mobile function on Moonfruit - the share buttons seem to get cut off but at least the images display properly!  I am beginning to regret building my site on Moonfruit though as iframes appear to be the cause of all my problems!
Thanks for your help!