1 (edited by jarnold2 2013-04-23 14:21:50)

Topic: On Wordpress contributors can edit or delete any gallery

I created a new user account on our Wordpress blog and the set user with "contributor" permissions. When I logged in as that person I was surprised to see they had permission to edit or delete any existing Juicebox gallery.

Is there anything I can do to eliminate contributors or authors from being able to access Juicebox settings?

Re: On Wordpress contributors can edit or delete any gallery

Yes. If you would like to exclude Authors and Contributors from accessing the 'WP-Juicebox -> Manage Galleries' page (from where galleries can be edited and deleted), open the plugin's 'wp-juicebox/wp-juicebox.php' file in a plain text editor and change the instance of 'edit_posts' in line 78 to 'edit_others_posts'.
Please note that the line number refers to the current version of WP-Juicebox (v1.3.0.0).