Topic: Flickr Group Photo Order
I've noticed that regardless of Flickr Sort order chosen in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro (ver. 1.3.0) for a Flickr Group ID that my photos always show up in the same order. I've choosen DATE-POSTED-DESC and when I change the Date posted to Flickr they do not resort in Flickr either. I am Admin. for the Flickr group. After changing the Flickr Short I'm choosing "Load Images" in JBP.
Ideally I would like to pull in photos from a Flickr group (public/invitation only) so that myself and another person can include photos and have them show up in my slideshow, while being able to determine their order. When changing the photos metadata in Flickr and nothing happening in Flickr I'm starting to think order by Date Posted to Flickr is not working on Flickr's end.