Topic: Gallery layout question

I have also been having some issues with Thumbnails on the LEFT of the main image.   

1.  Max thumb rows 6
2.  Thumb Nav Posn BOTTOM

When I view in the Customize Screen (JB 1.2.0)  I get 4 rows (which looks good).   When I view in browser, I only get 3 rows, with enough space top and bottom to put a couple more thumbnails on the screen.

Re: Gallery layout question

Depending on your browser window's height, Juicebox will display as many rows of thumbnails as possible (up to the maximum number specified via the maxThumbRows configuration option).
In your scenario, there might not be quite enough space available for a 4th row of thumbnails and if you were to increase your browser's height just a little (perhaps by hitting F11 to go fullscreen), then the 4th row will appear.

[Post moved to new thread to keep individual queries separate from each other.]