Topic: Replace image name with post title


When adding a gallery under each image I see the image number. for example: P234523.jpg

I want to display the post title instead of the image number.

Is it possible?


Re: Replace image name with post title

It sounds like you are using WP-Juicebox (the Juicebox plugin for WordPress) so hopefully the following information will be relevant.

When creating a gallery with WP-Juicebox, the plugin uses the Media Library image's 'Title' for the Juicebox 'Title' and, by default, WordPress populates the Media Library 'Title' fields with the image filenames.

If you would like to use the post's title for the Juicebox 'Title' in an individual gallery, then you could edit each gallery image in your Media Library and paste the post's title into the 'Title' fields.

Otherwise, if you wish this change to happen globally for all galleries you create (without the need to change the 'Title' fields on individual images), then open the 'wp-juicebox/config.php' file in a plain text editor and change line 69 to the following:

$title_text = $new_dom_doc->createCDATASection(get_the_title($post_id));

Please note that the line number above refers to WP-Juicebox v1.2.0.1.

Re: Replace image name with post title

Problem solved.
Thanks for your reply.