1 (edited by JKD 2013-03-08 20:25:23)

Topic: Browser problems


Embedded a gallery with no problems. Works perfectly locally, uploaded to a server and I get the following:

No functionality and not displaying at all in:

* Google Chrome desktop and Android

* Firefox desktop

Fully functional in:

* Safari for iPad

* Firefox for Android

These are the only browsers I have tested so far. My question is; why is my gallery only displaying on particular browsers? I have to presume that my coding is correct as it displays correctly on some browsers.

Thanks in advanced.

Re: Browser problems

If viewing your gallery locally, please see this FAQ regarding Chrome:
When I view my gallery locally in Google Chrome, I see the message "Juicebox does not display locally in Google Chrome". Why?

Juicebox galleries should display fine on all major desktop browsers.
If you have made any modifications to your galleries since first uploading them, try clearing your browsers' caches to ensure that they are not hanging onto and using older versions of your gallery files.

Take a look at the other FAQs in case one of them describes your scenario and offers help.
For example:
When I view my gallery, I see a blank area. Why?
Why can't I view my gallery on a 3G mobile connection?

Also, make sure that all your gallery files are on the same domain/subdomain as the web page which contains the embedding code. For example, if you use absolute URLs in your embedding code which refer to a subdomain such as www.example.com, then your gallery will display only when you visit www.example.com and not example.com.