Topic: Container Flashes Black Before Loading White Background

When refreshing my Juicebox page, the container flashes BLACK and then goes to the properly coded white background setting.

I've tried everything, but it still flashes black. Here's the page:

Can you help? Thanks!


Re: Container Flashes Black Before Loading White Background

You have two instances of Juicebox on your page:

        new juicebox({
            containerid : 'juicebox-container'

... starting at line 49 and:

new juicebox({
containerId : "juicebox-container",
backgroundColor: "#FFFFFF"

... starting at line 93.
Both instances are being embedded into the same <div> and the first one is momentarily displayed before the second one replaces it. Because the first one has no backgroundColor explicitly specified, it will use the default color of '#222222' which is what you are seeing as flashing.
Use only one instance and delete the other. If you choose to use the first instance, add the backgroundColor : '#ffffff' parameter to it and leave the following code on your page where the second instance currently is:

<div id="juicebox-content">
    <div id="juicebox-container"></div>

Re: Container Flashes Black Before Loading White Background

Thank you so much - that worked!!!