Topic: Problem saving a new Gallery

As a premise, I have to say that:
1. I run JuiceboxBuilder-Pro for the first time in my new Mac-Mini M4
2. Even if the Mac has been started by a previous backup, I installed again the App, Adobe Air and AIR v33.1.1.744

First of all the app is terribly slow but my real problem is that when I save the new gallery, the only file saved is "index.hmtl" ... Nothing else (no images -large amd/or small-, jbcore ... etc). Nothing, the only unique file is the index file that, if read by text app, seems regular.

May you please help me ?

Re: Problem saving a new Gallery

Please check to see if the missing files and folders are actually there but just hidden.

We had one other user report such a phenomenon about 5 months ago. Unfortunately, we were not able to determine the reason for the files and folders being hidden. JuiceboxBuilder-Pro does not set hidden attributes on any gallery files or folders. Maybe the cause is somehow due to the location the gallery is being saved to? Perhaps there are permissions on a parent folder which are somehow causing this problem? (This is just speculation, though. I really don't know why this might happen.)

If the missing files and folders are actually there but just hidden, then hopefully you'll be able to change their visibility via their properties.
I realize that this is an inconvenience but I hope it's at least a suitable workaround (even though it's not a direct solution).

If the files and folders are actually missing (and not just hidden), then this suggests that something may be preventing JuiceboxBuilder-Pro from writing to the gallery folder. If this is the case, then please check any anti-virus and security software that you might have installed to see if this is somehow interfering with JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's functionality. Also check that you are saving the gallery to a folder that has no restrictions, is not on a network drive and is not actively being synced to an online backup or file sharing service (e.g. Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud, OneDrive).

Re: Problem saving a new Gallery

Steven @ Juicebox wrote:

...missing files and folders are actually there but just hidden.

Bingo. First of all thank you so much for the reply and the suggestion. Files, in fact, are just there. Hidden but there (on Mac with cmd+shift+[dot] missing files are displayed).

Anyway to unhide them permanently, the way is a bit more long to follow and requires a command by the terminal:

chflags nohidden

leaving a space after "nohidden" and dragging the files into the terminal window. That will fill out the path to each of the files. Then hit return.
(If they were hidden with the hidden flag, they will no longer be hidden).

And it works.

Thank you so much Steven, you made my day !!!

Re: Problem saving a new Gallery

I still don't know why the files would be hidden in the first place but I'm glad you're able to unhide them and use the gallery.
Thank you for letting me know.