Topic: Help activating Juicebox-Pro [SOLVED]
Good morning, Stephen!
I'm trying to activate JBPro on a new site, but am failing to make it happen.
Through cPanel File Manager I copied both the wp-juicebox and jbcore folders from a site where it works perfectly and then activated the plug-in through the WP dashboard (wp version 5.7.2).
When I created a new post, the Add Juicebox Gallery button is missing. I created a gallery through WP-Juicebox - Manage Galleries, copied the shortcode, pasted it into a shortcode block in my post and updated the post. When I view the post, though, it is ignoring the Pro Options and is displaying the Juicebox button in the bottom left corner of the gallery.
I'm not sure what I've done, but would appreciate your helping me straighten this out.