Topic: Opening simpleviewer galleries in juicebox 1.2 seems broken

In Lightroom 4.2, create a simpleviewer gallery using the build-in simpleviewer plugin. This is how, I have created numerous galleries in the past couple of years.

Next, open (on mac), and open the newly created gallery. Notice, that no images are discovered. Some of the config options are apparently read, but the images themselves are not.

Re: Opening simpleviewer galleries in juicebox 1.2 seems broken

Try using the current SimpleViewer plugin for Lightroom, 'TTG SimpleViewer', which can be downloaded from this web page.
The version which comes bundled with Lightroom (labelled 'Airtight SimpleViewer') uses an older version of SimpleViewer).

Re: Opening simpleviewer galleries in juicebox 1.2 seems broken

I fail to see how this should solve my problem: I already have a bunch of simpleviewer galleries created by the default Lightroom plugin. Now I need to convert them to juicebox galleries. How can using a newer version of the simpleviewer plugin for Lightroom solve that problem?

Re: Opening simpleviewer galleries in juicebox 1.2 seems broken

The versions of SimpleViewer used by the two plugins differ greatly in format.
'Airtight SimpleViewer' uses SimpleViewer v1.8.5 whereas 'TTG SimpleViewer' uses SimpleViewer v2.3.0.
SimpleViewer was re-written from the ground-up for v2.
SimpleViewer v1.8.5 embeds a single SWF file in a web page whereas SimpleViewer v2.3.0 uses a collection of CSS, HTML JavaScript, SWF and image files (in the 'svcore' folder) in order to support Universal Playback.
Also, the tag and attribute names within the gallery XML files changed between v1 and v2.

In order to convert a SimpleViewer v1.8.5 gallery to a Juicebox v1.2.0 gallery, you will first have to upgrade the SimpleViewer gallery to the current format by opening it in svBuilder and re-saving it on the application's 'Publish' tab.
You should then be able to convert the gallery to a Juicebox gallery using JuiceboxBuilder.