Topic: Upgrade to 1.2 Failed.

Error message: This application cannot be installed because this installer has been mis-configured. Please contact the application author for assistance.

Please help.

But .. even if this had worked I'd consider it a failure. Guys, this is like upgrading an ap circa 1998. Seriously. You required me to uninstall the old ap first and empty the trash before upgrading. This is inneficient, and now that there was a bug, has guaranteed that I don't have a copy of juicebox. Fail.

It also means (I suspect ... correct me if I'm wrong) that all the code editing I did for the previous version will have to be redone for the new one. Disaster.

I have freeware that will update itself and copy all settings with a single click. Can you please make a priority of improving this process? After you tell me how to get it running at all? Please?

Re: Upgrade to 1.2 Failed.

You required me to uninstall the old ap first and empty the trash before upgrading.

The requirement to first uninstall the existing version of JuiceboxBuilder-Pro is due to the fact that the digital certificate for the application has been updated. This should not be required for future updates.

It also means (I suspect ... correct me if I'm wrong) that all the code editing I did for the previous version will have to be redone for the new one.

If you had made any modifications to the 'jbcore' folder that JuiceboxBuilder-Pro uses to generate galleries and had made a back-up of that folder (knowing that you were going to uninstall the application and empty your trash) then, after re-installing JuiceboxBuilder-Pro, just swap its 'jbcore' folder with your modified one. I do not know what modifications you have made (and where on your hard drive they were stored) so I cannot say with any certainty whether or not you would lose such work.

After you tell me how to get it running at all?

If, having uninstalled the previous version and emptied your trash, the application still does not install, then it implies that certain JuiceboxBuilder-Pro files may still remain on your computer.
Try searching your hard drive for all instances of 'JuiceboxBuilder-Pro' and manually delete whatever is found.

Re: Upgrade to 1.2 Failed.

So if I have Juicebox Builder Pro on a backup drive attached to the computer this will cause the application to fail? The only other instance of it I have is on a separate drive that backs up my apps and system once a day.

Re: Upgrade to 1.2 Failed.

Yes, it certainly could. Either remove JuiceboxBuilder-Pro from your backup drive or unplug the drive before attempting to re-install JuiceboxBuilder-Pro.

Re: Upgrade to 1.2 Failed.

That worked, thank you.