Topic: Tile or Repeat Background Image?

I would like to tile or repeat a background image. STRETCH or FILL does not do the job. Is this achievable?

Re: Tile or Repeat Background Image?

This is not achievable using the Background Image Options but you can make your gallery's background transparent (using a background color with an opacity value of '0') and set a tiled background to your gallery's container using HTML and CSS. Please see this web page for details.
For example:

<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    new juicebox({
        containerId : 'juicebox-container',
        backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'
<div id="juicebox-container" style="background: url('images/background.jpg') repeat"></div>

Re: Tile or Repeat Background Image?

Thank you very much!
I made a small modification to the generated index.html file and it worked perfectly.
