Topic: My Juicebox

My Leaf loves the high-speed charge of the Juicebox, but the JB is not loving my Leaf right now.

It's the Juicebox 40 (not pro, not lite, not wifi) is giving me fits after 5 months of ownership, according to the tech docs, a repeating beep every second means the internal GFCI test has failed.

Is this a common failure of this awesome charger or is it rare?

EMW is hesitant on even taking it for inspection/repair because I bought it refurbished.

Re: My Juicebox


This is a support forum for the Juicebox-Pro web gallery software from SimpleViewer Inc.

From your query, it sounds like you have purchased a 'JuiceBox' from eMotorWerks, a completely unrelated company to our own (although the product names are the same).

You should be able to contact eMotorWerks via their online form here:

I hope this points you in the right direction.