Topic: Juicebox Error: Config file not found. In Joomla [SOLVED]


I have had this problem before in my HTTP site and solved it by following the instructions for a Joomla site.

Changed my site to HTTPS and got this problem again.  Followed your instructions to update to the latest version of JuiceBox Pro and insert the latest 'jbcore' folder.  Still have the problem.

Below is the code that I believe is correct.  I have the 'jbcore' folder directly under the 'galleries' folder and my images and xml file are in the specific slideshow folder and in this case it is 'illumination' folder.

<script src="/images/galleries/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
         new juicebox({
         baseUrl : '/images/galleries/illumination/',
         containerId: 'juicebox-container',
         galleryWidth: "80%",
         galleryHeight: "80%",
         backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
        <div id="juicebox-container">
<!-- Image gallery content for non-javascript devices -->

Would appreciate your help


Re: Juicebox Error: Config file not found. In Joomla [SOLVED]

As long as your files and folders are actually where you say they are on your web server and that your gallery's XML file inside the 'illumination' directory is named 'config.xml', then your embedding code looks to be OK.

First of all, try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your gallery's web page to make sure that your browser is using the most recent versions of your gallery files (and not older, cached versions).

Next, if yo have edited your gallery's 'config.xml' file manually, please check to see if the file contains any syntax errors by opening it directly in a web browser. If there are any errors, the browser will tell you the first error in the file and at whih line it occurs.

If this does not help, then try reuploading your gallery's 'config.xml' file to be sure that it is complete and not corrupt (which may have happened if the initial upload was somehow interrupted).

Also, please check out the FAQ which deals with the 'Config file not found.' message.
When I view my gallery I see the message 'Config file not found'. How do I fix this?

If none of the above helps, then please post the URL to your gallery's web page so that I can see the problem for myself and hopefully help further.
Once I am able to see your gallery live on your web server, I should hopefully be able to determine the cause of the problem and propose a solution.

Re: Juicebox Error: Config file not found. In Joomla [SOLVED]

Did all that already as well as using other machines that have not logged into the site.

Have uploaded a new config.xml to all galleries and the same happens.

the site is and go to the Gallery - Illumination


Re: Juicebox Error: Config file not found. In Joomla [SOLVED]

Thank you for providing the link to your gallery's web page.

By default, your gallery's configuration file should be named 'config.xml' and should be located directly inside your gallery folder.
Therefore, it should be located here: … config.xml
Going directly to that location in a browser (bypassing Juicebox) should result in the contents of the 'config.xml' file being displayed but the file does not seem to be there.
Please double-check the filename and location of your gallery's configuration file.

Otherwise, if you have moved or renamed your gallery's configuration file, you can point towards it via a configUrl entry in the embedding code.
If you use a relative path for your configUrl, then the path should be relative to the baseUrl.

I hope this points you in the right direction.

Re: Juicebox Error: Config file not found. In Joomla [SOLVED]

The file is named config.xml and it is in each of the galleries e.g. illumination, chanson etc.

It was working perfectly up until I changed to https and the only thing that I change after upgrading to latest JuiceBox Pro was jbcore as directed and when that did not work I changed the config.xml in each gallery to no effect.


Re: Juicebox Error: Config file not found. In Joomla [SOLVED]

Seem to be getting somewhere but...

1   In Configuration, I changed 'Search Engine Friendly URLs' to YES
2   Changed 'Use URL Rewriting' to YES

Then got a 404 page when trying to access the config.xml file directly.

Decided to install sh404sef and still get a 404 page.

Can you point me in the right direction to be able to access the config.xml by the URL:- … config.xml which is in that directory.


Re: Juicebox Error: Config file not found. In Joomla [SOLVED]

If going to this location: … config.xml
... results in an error 404 (file not found), then all I can deduce from this is that the file is not in that location.

If you are absolutely sure that the file is there, then, first of all, please check that its permissions are not too restrictive. Default file permissions of 644 should be fine.

If this does not help, then please ask your web host why trying to access the 'config.xml' file directly results in an error 404.
They should certainly be able to answer (and hopefully resolve) this issue for you.

Re: Juicebox Error: Config file not found. In Joomla [SOLVED]

Had changed the Joomla configuration file which made no difference but changed it again for this one :-

Link to default .htaccess file.

problem solved.

Thanks for your help.


Re: Juicebox Error: Config file not found. In Joomla [SOLVED]

I'm glad that you've been able to resolve your problem.
Thank you for letting me know.