Why would I want to tick the Large Images choice?
If you select the 'Large Images' checkbox, then an additional 'large' set of images will be generated for the gallery and Juicebox-Pro will use them under the following conditions:
(1) The 'large' images will be used for the main gallery display in Large Screen Mode when a retina screen is being used to view the gallery.
(2) The 'large' images will also be used when an image is opened in a new window (via the 'Open Image' button) in both Small and Large Screen Modes and when the gallery has been expanded (via useFullscreenExpand="TRUE") in Large Screen Mode.
The concept behind having a number of different image sizes is to serve images appropriate to the viewing device (and to prevent large images from being served when small images will suffice).
Would it make the full screen images better when I click a thumbnail?
No. In Small Screen Mode (which your gallery uses), the 'small' images are used after clicking a thumbnail unless there are no 'small' images available, in which case, the 'medium' images (which are available in all galleries) are used.
Am I getting the best full screen images?
You can always increase the resolution of your images and bump up the quality (from the default value of 80) but the larger your images, the longer they will take to load.
The default values (of 1024px x 768px at a quality of 80% for 'medium' images) are usually a good compromise, resulting in images with a filesize of approximately 120KB, but if you feel that your images would benefit from having a larger resolution (or a higher quality) then I would recommend that you try larger values in the 'Set Image Sizes' control panel.
I also use Scale rather than Scale Down.
That is fine but please bear in mind that when using SCALE, Juicebox-Pro will dynamically scale up small images to fit within the gallery's image area if they are not large enough (as well as scaling down large images if necessary). This may reduce their visual quality. SCALE_DOWN (the default value), on the other hand, will only scale down large images (and will not scale up small images).