Topic: Can I save my favourite preset as the one it starts with. [SOLVED]

I'm now using the system for real and once I have picked my images the software processes them.

I then pull down my normal preset and it processes them again.

If it is doing virtually the same thing twice can I leapfrog the first processing and simply process with my chosen preset.

Not a big deal but it would save a little bit of time.


Re: Can I save my favourite preset as the one it starts with. [SOLVED]

Although it is not possible to access the 'Customize' tab (where the 'Load Preset' drop-down selection is) before images are added to a gallery, you can load a preset before adding images (thereby preventing them from being processed twice) by selecting 'Presets -> Load Preset..' from the drop-down menu at the top whilst still on the 'Images' tab.

Re: Can I save my favourite preset as the one it starts with. [SOLVED]

Thanks Steven.


Re: Can I save my favourite preset as the one it starts with. [SOLVED]

You're welcome!