I'm glad you're making good progress!
A web design package would be of little use to tweak a gallery as pretty much all the gallery's code is generated dynamically (at the time the gallery is displayed) from within the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file (which is packed and obfuscated and cannot be modified).
However, a web design package may be useful if you want to embed a gallery into a web page alongside other content (for example, if you have more content to display than can easily be included within the gallery itself).
I really need three lines to get close to my existing system.
You can add HTML line breaks (<br />) to separate a Gallery Title into different lines.
For example:
I could not see how to make it centred.
There is a galleryTitleHAlign configuration option (which can be set to 'CENTER' to horizontally center the Gallery Title) but this is a Large Screen Mode only which is not supported in Small Screen Mode.
In Small Screen Mode, the Gallery Title is always left-justified above the top-left thumbnail.
In order to change this, you'd need override Juicebox's own positioning of the Gallery Title (by applying custom CSS rules to one of Juicebox's internal CSS classes). This is not something that I'd recommend or something that is officially supported.
I am using Bookman Antiqua or Times New Roman Serif if we can have that please.
You can set a font family for all text within a gallery via the galleryFontFace configuration option (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section). Please see the short description for this option in the 'General' section here.
Please note, however, that if you specify a font, it will be displayed only if the user's computer has the font installed.
Therefore, it might be wise to use a font that everyone will have available to them, such as Times New Roman (at least as a fallback). Otherwise, you could use a web font. Please see the Using Custom Fonts support section for details.
The second line is my folder title. In this case "Art Group Reception". The colour is RGB 33B4CA. I am not sure what the font size is but you can see it is quite a lot larger than the 'return' line.
You can set a color and font size using inline CSS in your Gallery Title (the same way we changed the text color to yellow in the post above).
Try something like the following. (You can tweak it if you like.)
<a href="/HurlList/" style="color: #ffff00; text-decoration: none;">Return to lots more Hurlingham Memories</a><br /><br /><span style="color: #33b4ca; font-size: 48px;">Art Group Reception.</span>
The 'text-decoration: none;' entry removes the underline from the link (like in your original page) and the two line breaks just give the text a little more room to breathe.
This second line I will need to change every time I create a new folder. What would you think is the easiest way of doing this?
I don't think there's really any way to do this other than to copy and paste your 'template' Gallery Title and then just change the text within it manually to suit the particular gallery.
My third line I am introducing as I don't see how one creates a 'footer' on Juicebox.
You can certainly add a third line to your Gallery Title if you like but the more you add to the Gallery Title, the more likely it is to overlap your images on a small screen. Juicebox was designed with the Gallery Title to be just a short, single line of text (and only enough space is reserved in the gallery for a single line of text). Juicebox itself will have no knowledge that your Gallery Title contains several lines of text (and in a larger font size).
If you want to include multiple lines of text and other content such as a copyright notice, then I would recommend displaying such information on the gallery's web page (but not inside the gallery itself).
Please take a look at the Using a Resizable Gallery with a Header support section.
There is an online example which features a heater and a footer and the Juicebox gallery takes up the remainder of the space (no matter what size the user's browser window is).
You could perhaps adapt this to suit your own needs (placing "Return to lots more Hurlingham Memories" and "Art Group Reception." in the header and your copyright notice in the footer).
You can view the source of the example in your browser and copy/modify the code as required.
I'd recommend just using a regular plain text editor (like Notepad++) to modify the code. A web design package might complicate (and possibly break) things by adding its own code.
I like the masonry effect of the thumbnails. I am guessing this is not achievable with Juicebox but it is no great loss.
That is correct. All thumbnails within a Juicebox gallery are the same shape and size as each other (determined by the thumbWidth and thumbHeight configuration options). When you create a gallery with JuiceboxBuilder, you can set the thumbnail dimensions on the 'Images' tab (click the 'Change Sizes..' button). JuiceboxBuilder will then generate thumbnails at the specified dimensions and automatically set the thumbWidth and thumbHeight options in the gallery's 'config.xml' file accordingly.
If you really don't want to have to worry about any manual coding but want to display more information than a Juicebox gallery can handle, then you might be interested in another of our products, namely Showkase.
Showkase is a PHP web application (installed on your web server instead of your computer) which allows you to create a complete portfolio web site (integrating multiple galleries) online. Each Showkase web page features a header (or side menu, depending on the theme used) and footer.
Showkase has full support for Juicebox-Pro and the galleries can be created within the application itself in a web browser interface (or created with JuiceboxBuilder or the Juicebox plugin for Lightroom and imported).
You can create Gallery Index pages and have as many galleries listed on each Gallery Index page as you wish.
Each gallery is represented by a thumbnail image with the gallery title displayed below and the gallery is opened when the user clicks on the image.
Demo sites created with Showkase can be found here and a sample Gallery Index page can be found here.
Showkase can also create non-gallery pages (About, Basic and Contact pages) where you can add information about yourself (or any other content you like).
All of this is done automatically within the Showkase interface without the need for any manual coding at all.
Showkase can be purchased as Showkase-Standard (which comes with Juicebox-Lite, the free version) or Showkase-Pro (which comes with Juicebox-Pro).
The only difference between Showkase-Standard and Showkase-Pro is the bundled viewer (Juicebox-Lite vs Juicebox-Pro).
As you already have Juicebox-Pro, you could purchase Showkase-Standard and integrate your Juicebox-Pro files following the Installing a Pro Viewer instructions.
More information on the differences between Juicebox and Showkase can be found in this forum post.
I hope my notes above help to clarify things.