Topic: Juicebox images jagged in Internet Explorer

Hi there!

I'm looking for a solution to my images that are coming out "jagged" when viewed on Internet Explorer. The problem is particularly noticeable when the IE window is resized.

The test gallery is here:

The gallery was built using juiceBoxBuilderLite (V1.1.1) from 2 images on my iMAC then uploaded. I've tried different parameter combinations on the "Images" tab but no success. In this example, the options are set to:
a. resize Images: ticked.
b. Crop To Fit: un-ticked.
c. Max Image Size: 1024x768
d. Quality: 80.

I am testing the webpage on Internet Explorer Version 7.0.6000.16982 on a Sony Vaio Laptop running Vista Home Premium.
The LCD resolution is set to 1280x800 and DPI to 96.

I get identical "jagged" images on other laptops running IE. The odd thing is when the "Zoom Level" is set to a value other than 100%, (say 99% or 101%), the problem vanishes!

The problem only appears in portrait oriented images.

I've tried toggling the "Enable automatic image resizing" & "Smart Image dithering" boxes on the Advanced tab in IE but no success.

The images are fine on Firefox/Chrome on Vista.

Any suggestions?



Re: Juicebox images jagged in Internet Explorer

I also see a difference when I display your gallery in two tabs (IE7 and IE9) side by side in IETester.
It looks like the algorithm IE uses to resize/resample images on-the-fly has improved over the years and is just not as good in IE7 as it is in IE9 (or other current browsers).

As you have already tried changing the image-related options on the ''Internet Options -> Advanced' tab, the only solution might be try increasing the quality of the resized images from 80 (to perhaps 90 or higher) to see if this makes a difference.
Also, try feeding Juicebox your original images without resizing at all (by deselecting the 'Resize Images' checkbox before adding images to your gallery).

3 (edited by JimJim 2012-08-29 20:43:54)

Re: Juicebox images jagged in Internet Explorer

Hi Steven,

Thanks for the quick reply. Still no luck. I resized the images in Photoshop to fit 800x800 before feeding them in juiceBoxbuliderLite and deselected the 'Resize Images' checkbox as you suggested. I also set the quality to 99. The result is uploaded here:

Incidentally, I also built a gallery using Simpleviwer 2.0.3  and the results are a lot better:

How come both are handled differently in IE?

Is there a fix or a patch which can be applied to the galleries generated by JuiceBoxbuilderLite to trick IE?


EDIT - Just realised how obsolete IE 7 is! I've been a Firefox user since for the past couple of years. I'll double check which other variants of IE I tested this site.