Topic: linked my gallery to my website but now its showing the wrong gallery

so i was overjoyed when i found juicebox it seemed way to good to be true... well i made a  test gallery and attached it to my website to see if it would work well it turned out great... so i made a real gallery that would have the pictures i wanted in it for that subject but now when it loads it is the wrong gallery.. its my test gallery what do i do!!!

Re: linked my gallery to my website but now its showing the wrong gallery

If your gallery is displaying images from a gallery you do not expect to see, then Juicebox must be reading that gallery's XML file.
By default, Juicebox will look for and use a file named 'config.xml' in the same directory as the HTML page containing the embedding code.

You can point Juicebox towards a different XML file (which may be named differently or be located in a different directory) by using the configUrl option.

Alternatively, you could upload a complete gallery folder (not just the contents) and use the baseUrl method of embedding.

Descriptions of both the configUrl and the baseUrl options can be found here.

The baseUrl method of embedding is documented as Option #1 here.

If you continue to experience difficulties, please post the URL to your web page so that I can take a look.