Topic: IPhone 6 Safari not displaying Gallery properly such as on Ipad Safari


Ive created several galleries which can be all found on the link:

The issue I have encountered is that the galleries appear perfectly fine on the Ipad Safari browsers but in the Iphone6 Safari ... the gallery loads a fullscreen image of the 1st image of the gallery and all the way at the bottom you need to hit on the "View Gallery" in order to open the gallery. How can I just have this to work like it does on the Ipad?

As you can see I also add on the very top left a hyperlink which needs to stay visible at the top so visitors can return to the main gallery page. It stays visible on the Ipad all the time but it disappears on the Iphone.

Here is an example: … halte.html

I have created this gallery using JuiceBoxBuilder-Pro Pro Version v1.2.0

Also, is there a way to totally disable and hide those 3 icons on the top right that allow you to Hide Thumbnails, Expand Image etc?

Thank you!

Re: IPhone 6 Safari not displaying Gallery properly such as on Ipad Safari

... the gallery loads a fullscreen image of the 1st image of the gallery and all the way at the bottom you need to hit on the "View Gallery" in order to open the gallery.

What you are describing is the Splash Page.

The Splash Page is a placeholder for the gallery which is displayed by default in Small Screen Mode (on small screen devices) when the gallery is embedded in a page alongside other content (rather than displayed on a page of its own with dimensions of 100% x 100%, filling the browser window) and may may too small to be usable.
When the user clicks or taps the Splash Page, the gallery is expanded to fill the user's browser window (giving the images more space to be displayed).
For more information about the Splash Page and how Juicebox adapts to different devices and screen sizes, please see the Screen Modes section of the Gallery Tour.

You can choose to not use the Splash Page by setting showSplashPage="NEVER" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Splash Page' section).
Alternatively, you can force the gallery to be displayed in Large Screen Mode (which, by default, does not use the Splash Page) on all devices and in all browsers by setting screenMode="LARGE" ('Customize -> General').

If you choose to continue to use the Splash Page, you can customize it using the Splash Page configuration options.

Also, is there a way to totally disable and hide those 3 icons on the top right that allow you to Hide Thumbnails, Expand Image etc?

Yes. You can disable individual Button Bar buttons via their own controls in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Button Bar' section.
If you want to hide the Button Bar completely (along with all its buttons), then set buttonBarPosition="NONE" (also in 'Customize -> Button Bar').

I would also recommend upgrading your galleries to the current version of Juicebox-Pro (v1.5.0) as many bugs have been fixed (and new features introduced) since v.1.2.0. Please see the Version History for a list of changes between versions.
Instructions for downloading the latest version and upgrading existing galleries can be found on the Upgrading Juicebox support page.