Topic: Wordpress - Images or not organized [SOLVED]

Hi, I'm using wordpress. When I add multiple images to a gallery I find that its not organized in the order that I added then. Neither ascending nor descending. Its often times just random. I've also tried doing it one by one but they still don't organized. Is there a way to do this?

Re: Wordpress - Images or not organized [SOLVED]

When you upload images via the WordPress media window, the images in your WP-Juicebox gallery should initially be in the order in which they finished uploading.

To sort images after a gallery has been created:
(1) 'Edit' the post containing the gallery
(2) Click the 'Add Media' button
(3) Select the 'Insert Media -> Media LIbrary' section (selected by default)
(4) Choose 'Uploaded to this post' from the drop-down menu
(5) Drag and drop the images into your chosen order
(6) Close the 'Add Media' window

You may need to clear your browser's cache after reloading the gallery.

If the images initially look like they are in the right order in the media window but do not appear in this order in your WP-Juicebox gallery, just drag and drop a thumbnail into a new position and then drag it back. That should be all that is required to change the order from the 'finished uploading' order to the visible 'menu' order.

Re: Wordpress - Images or not organized [SOLVED]

Thank You!

Re: Wordpress - Images or not organized [SOLVED]

You're welcome!

Re: Wordpress - Images or not organized [SOLVED]

Hi there,

I know this is a very old topic, but I'm having difficulty rearranging images that I just posted to my gallery. As mentioned above, they appear at the beginning of the gallery. I can't seem to locate the "Add Media" button when I am in the edit mode of the gallery. I'm wondering if an update has changed the instructions on how to do this? Any help you can provide would be appreciated.


Re: Wordpress - Images or not organized [SOLVED]


If you are using the current version of WordPress (v5.2.3), then you will likely be using the new default editor, Gutenberg, which no longer features the 'Add Media' button.
You likely attached your images to your page or post using a Gutenberg 'Gallery' block and you can rearrange your images through this block type.
Here is the complete procedure for adding a WP-Juicebox gallery to a WordPress page or post using Gutenberg. (Steps #7 and #8 are for reordering your images.)

(1) Click the 'Add Juicebox Gallery' button to add a WP-Juicebox gallery to your page or post.
(2) Configure your gallery as required in the settings window and click the 'Add Gallery' button to add the WP-Juicebox shortcode to your page or post.
(3) Click the 'Add Block' button (top left) to add a new Gutenberg block to your page or post.
(4) Select a 'Gallery' block. (You'll find it in the 'Common Blocks' section.)
(5) Click the 'Media Library' button within the 'Gallery' block.
(6) Drag and drop the images that you want to attach to your page or post (i.e. the images that you would like to be displayed in your WP-Juicebox gallery) from your hard drive into the media window.
(7) Select 'Uploaded to this post' from the first drop-down menu (on the 'Create Gallery -> Media Library' tab).
(8) Drag and drop the thumbnail images into the order that you would like them to be displayed in your WP-Juicebox gallery.
(9) Close the media window via the cross at the top right. (Do not click the 'Create a new gallery' as this will create a native WordPress gallery in addition to your WP-Juicebox gallery.)

I hope this helps.