Topic: Button Bar z-index is 3000: inline style floats over main nav [SOLVED]
Button Bar z-index container is set to 3000. This is set "inline" and is not set by the css.
Because the z-index is so high when scrolling the button bar floats over the top navigation.
Changing z-index of header and navigation is not an option. The galleries are important but only a small part of a very LARGE complex site. Everything is working great and has been for a long time. It took a lot of fiddling and tweaking to get the header z-indices to be correct. I do not want to change the z-index of multiple elements in the header and navigation just for the galleries.
It would make more sense to change the astonishingly high z-index of the button bar "wrapper" div.
This is the block I found:
<div class="jb-classifier-link-wrapper jb-classifier-detail-area jb-classifier-layer " data-layer="3000" style="z-index: 3000; display: block; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 400ms ease-in; left: 242px; top: 6px; width: 321px; -webkit-user-select: none;">
Not sure if this is the absolutely correct block, but changing it in Chrome inspector, setting the z-index to 400 fixes the problem.
The site is a joomla site using embed code in an article. There are close to 20 separate galleries so I made the jbcore folder external to each gallery. Galleries are in a gallery subdirectory using base_url but also pointing to the shared external jbcore folder.
This works FANTASTIC. The only piece of the puzzle left is figuring out how to get the button bar to not float over the site's main navigation.
Would this be a tweak to the css to override the inline styles? Why is the z-index of the button bar "inline" and can it be removed or changed and use only the external css file? I know I know seems a bit obsessive, but we are trying to streamline everything we can to boost performance. I hate having "unused" styles overridden.