The ideal solution would be to have a custom field within the interface where you could enter a directory name to be prepended to the image names in the imageURL entries.
What you could perhaps do is enter a value in the Pro Options text area that Juicebox itself does not use such as:
You could then modify the Lightroom plugin's 'config.xml' template file to use this value as the start of each imageURL.
You could also instruct the plugin to not write this value to the configuration options in the opening <juiceboxgallery> tag (although this would not actually make any difference to the gallery as Juicebox would just ignore the custom attribute).
Try the following, which will accept a key named 'directory' in the Pro Options text area.
If you entered:
... into the Pro Options text area, then it would result in an imageURL such as:
Open the 'juicebox.lrwebengine/config.xml' file in a plain text editor and change lines 89-120 to the following:
local dir = ""
for index, value in ipairs(pro_options) do
if value ~= "" then
local attrs = explode("=", trim(value), 2)
if table_length(attrs) == 2 then
local key = escape(attrs[1]:gsub("%s+", ""))
local value = escape(trim(attrs[2]):gsub("^([`'\"])(.-)%1$", "%2"))
if key:lower() == "directory" then
dir = value
elseif not lite_options[key:lower()] then
write("\n" .. key .. "=\"" .. value .. "\"")
end %>
<% for index = 1, numImages do %>
<image imageURL="<%= dir %>/images/<%= getImage(index).exportFilename %>.jpg" thumbURL="thumbs/<%= getImage(index).exportFilename %>.jpg" linkURL="<%= getImage(index).metadata.linkURL %>" linkTarget="_blank">
<title><![CDATA[<%= strip_control_characters(getImage(index).metadata.title) %>]]></title>
<caption><![CDATA[<%= strip_control_characters(getImage(index).metadata.caption) %>]]></caption>
<% end %>