Topic: Some thumbnails not working [SOLVED]

I am considering the Showkase Pro Viewer package and I have downloaded Juice box Lite to see if my limited skills could handle it.    It works pretty well, but I have a problem when I test load it into my Browser (Window Explorer 9).   If I click on a thumbnail to the immediate left or right of the thumbnail of the displayed image, it fails to load, and I just get the background grey.  If I click upon an image which is NOT to the immediate left or right but removed by 2 or more images, it loads correctly.  The navigation arrows to the left and right on the displayed image work fine.

Also, when I load the gallery into my browser I get a message “Internet Explorer restricted this webpage from running scripts or Active X controls” and then I have to allow access. My ISP will help me fix this, but I was wondering if this is contributing to my problems loading my website into my browser?


Re: Some thumbnails not working [SOLVED]

The problem you are describing sounds like a known bug whereby main images may not display when selected in IE8 and IE9 when imageTransitionType="SLIDE" (which is the default value for imageTransitionType, used by Juicebox-Lite).
This bug has already been addressed and will be fixed in the next version of Juicebox.
If you were a Juicebox-Pro user, a workaround (until the bug is fixed) would be to set imageTransitionType to something other than SLIDE (e.g. FADE, CROSS_FADE, NONE).

The 'Active X' warning is not related to the problem (above) and should be displayed only when the gallery is run locally (from your hard drive) and not when the gallery is uploaded to and run from your web server.
You can disable this warning in Internet Explorer (so that you do not need to click 'Allow Blocked Content') by going to 'Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced (Tab) -> Security' and selecting 'Allow active content to run in files on My Computer' and clicking 'OK'. (A browser restart will be required.)

Re: Some thumbnails not working [SOLVED]

Thanks a lot!

Re: Some thumbnails not working [SOLVED]

This bug (whereby main images may not display when selected in IE8 and IE9) has now been fixed in v1.4.3. Please see this blog entry for more information on the latest version.