None of what you are looking to achieve can be done with the available configuration options and using CSS to tweak the position of gallery elements can often involve some trial and error. Doing so can also sometimes cause unpredictable results as Juicebox will not know of any changes you make. For example, if you move an element within the gallery via CSS, Juicebox will expect it to be elsewhere and this may cause problems and/or unwanted knock-on effects (perhaps when the browser window is resized). As such, CSS modifications to shift gallery elements around are not officially supported and you do so at your own risk. That said, I hope you find the notes below helpful.
I would like to lower the vertical position of the caption and page number.
Try adding CSS code such as the following to your gallery's web page:
/* Image number */
.jb-cap-frame .jbac-number {
margin-top: 20px !important;
/* Image Title */
.jb-caption .jb-caption-title {
margin-top: 20px !important;
/* Image Caption */
.jb-caption p {
margin-top: 20px !important;
(I'd also like them to be level!)
Some trial and error may be required but tweaking the margins (as above) should work.
Is there a way to have the thumbs extend lower?
Other than changing the thumbsVAlign setting (TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM), you could try using the following CSS code:
/* Thumbnails */
.jb-idx-thumbnail-container {
margin-top: 20px !important;
/* Thumbnail Navigation Arrows */
.index-navigation.jb-navigation {
margin-top: 20px !important;