Topic: customizable?

I'm using Adobe Edge Animate to create websites now and I consider to use Juicebox for image galleries. I really like some features like fast and easy creating from Lightroom, swipe guestures on iOS devices and all..

But like some other users I ran into resizing problems especially when using Lightbox style galleries like here:

everything is great on desktop, but on iOS I get strange results like only the thumbnails are visible (iPhone) or the image far on the right and only half visible (iPadmini). I could not find a way to get rid of the captions, titles, thumbnails at all cause most of the time I wouldn't need them.

In Edge Animate I managed to embed a Juicebox gallery using iframe but it does not display the way I want like the image hides behind text and thumbs..

On your example I have seen that embedding a Juicebox gallery into a webpage works like a charm, with the maximize button for desktop screens and the image opening in a new page on iOS by just touching it (no maximize button needed here).

Now I ask myself if I would be able to customize Juicebox (remove titles, margins, thumbnails or dots...) and use it with Adobe Edge Animate. I have seen that you provide embedding aid for many different tools, maybe Edge Animate is on your list already?

Thanks for reading,

Re: customizable?

everything is great on desktop, but on iOS I get strange results like only the thumbnails are visible (iPhone)

This sounds like you are describing Small Screen Mode (whereby the user is presented with a page of thumbnails from which a main image can be selected). Juicebox displays the gallery in Small Screen Mode by default on small screen devices.
Please see here for more information on Screen Modes.
With Juicebox-Pro, you can force Juicebox to always display the gallery in Large Screen Mode (no matter what browser or device is being used) by setting screenMode="LARGE" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> General' section).

or the image far on the right and only half visible (iPadmini)

This sounds like it could be a problem with the gallery dimensions, the gallery's parent container size or possibly a CSS conflict.
These would certainly be things to check.
Also, do you see this problem on your iPad Mini with any of our own demo galleries here and does the problem in your own gallery happen in both Chrome and Mobile Safari (or just one of the browsers)? This might help point towards the cause of the problem.

I could not find a way to get rid of the captions, titles, thumbnails at all cause most of the time I wouldn't need them.

Hiding captions and thumbnails are Pro-only options. You would hide the captions by setting captionPosition="NONE" and the thumbnails by setting showThumbsonLoad="FALSE", showSmallTHumbsOnLoad="FALSE", showThumbsButton="FALSE" and showSmallThumbsButton="FALSE".

Now I ask myself if I would be able to customize Juicebox (remove titles, margins, thumbnails or dots...) and use it with Adobe Edge Animate.

With Juicebox-Pro, you would certainly be able to remove all text, margins, thumbnails and dots. Please see the full list of Pro configuration options here.

There are no specific embedding instructions for using Edge Animate but, instead of using an iframe, you could use the baseUrl method of embedding as documented here.
Essentially, you would upload the entire gallery folder to your web server and paste the baseUrl embedding code into your web page. It does not matter where on your web server you upload your gallery folder to as long as the two paths in the embedding code (the path to the 'juicebox.js' file and the baseUrll itself) are correct.
If there is a problem with loading the gallery immediately as soon as your web page loads, you could wrap the gallery's embedding code in a JavaScript function and run the function when required.

It sounds like many of the configuration options you might want to use would be available in Juicebox-Pro but not in Juicebox-Lite.
We do not offer a trial version of Juicebox-Pro but we do offer a money-back guarantee. Please see this FAQ for details:
Can I try a trial version of Juicebox-Pro?