Topic: Thumbnails and jumping main image

When hiding and showing thumbnails, main image is kind of jumping on the screen. I understand that its resomg to fit the image area. BUT is it not looking good... Is it possible only to hide thumbnails with for example "display:none"?

Re: Thumbnails and jumping main image

There are no configuration options (or API methods) which would allow you to toggle the thumbnails without the main image resizing dynamically to fill the available space.
However, you could try the following which places a custom 'Toggle Thumbnails' button on the web page and uses jQuery to toggle the .jb-classifier-thumb-area (thumbnail) container.
You would need to include jQuery in your web page for this solution to work.
You could do this with pure JavaScript but the function would not be quite as concise.
Also, you could attach the click handler to whatever element on your web page you like (it does not have to be a custom <input> tag like in the example).

<script src="jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
    new juicebox({
        containerId: 'juicebox-container',
        galleryWidth: '600px',
        galleryHeight: '400px'
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $('#toggle-thumbnails').click(function() {
<div id="juicebox-container"></div>
    <input id="toggle-thumbnails" type="button" value="Toggle Thumbnails" />