Topic: Show entire dropbox folder.

I have got Juicebox working on my joomla site utilising dropbox.

Is it possible to update the slideshow on the fly, by showing all the images that are in the folder. I can just drop from the camera and delete as necessary to up date the site weekly???


Re: Show entire dropbox folder.

Please see the answer to Question #3 in this forum thread.
Essentially, you could either:
(1) Set up a Juicebox gallery sourced by images in a Flickr account. You could then upload new image to your Flickr account and they would automatically be included in your gallery without the need to modify any gallery files.
... or:
(2) Use a server-side scripting language (such as PHP) to read the contents of a directory and dynamically generate a gallery's XML file on-the-fly when the gallery is displayed. You could then just upload new images to the designated directory as and when required.