Topic: Direct link outside Juicebox, outside current domain [SOLVED]


Is it possible to link outside the current domain?
I want to open another address by clicking on image.

Re: Direct link outside Juicebox, outside current domain [SOLVED]

Is it possible to link outside the current domain?


I want to open another address by clicking on image.

First, set imageClickMode="OPEN_URL" (in JuiceboxBuilder-Pro's 'Customize -> Main Image' section).
Then, when a user clicks a main image in the gallery, the corresponding linkURL will be opened in the linkTarget window.
The linkURL and linkTarget associated with each image can be entered on the 'Images' tab.
A linkURL can be relative (to the HTML page containing the JavaScript embedding code) or absolute, e.g.:


Re: Direct link outside Juicebox, outside current domain [SOLVED]

Hi again
Thank you, it works.