Topic: IE7 issue

Hi, my Homepage works fine with iPad, iPhone, Firefox and older versions of Internet Explorer. But I do have an issue with the newest Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 11
When you start my homepage, the images are shown correctly in my iframe. As soon as you change the gallery by clicking any button on my section panel, the big picture is shown in the same small size as the thumbnails.
Any idea how to solve this ?

here is the link to my homepage:

and here is the code for the frame:

<iframe src=
"Startbilder/index.html" width="98%" height="98%" name=
<p>Ihr Browser kann leider keine eingebetteten Frames anzeigen: Sie
k&#246;nnen die eingebettete Seite &#252;ber den folgenden Verweis
aufrufen: <a href="">derMueller</a></p>

Re: IE7 issue

Your main web page does not have a Doctype Declaration.
Try using the HTML 5 Doctype by putting the following code at the very top of your web page:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Please see this FAQ for more information:
My gallery looks strange in Internet Explorer 9. Why?

Hopefully, this will fix your problem.
If not, then the next thing to do would be to check the code on your web page for HTML errors.
You can validate the code on your web page using the W3C Markup Validation Service and then fix any errors reported.