Topic: galleries don't load always on iOS devices


i built a website with some embedded galleries.
Now i have the problem that the galleries don't load always on iOS devices.
Mostly that happens on 3G, but sometimes even on WLAN/WiFi.
What i find strange is, that in one moment it works and five minutes later,
without doing anything, the galleries won't load. On a Mac everything is fine.

I tried two different versions, one with base url, but the problem is on both versions.

Maybe you can have a look and have any idea what i did wrong...?

Thanks a lot


Re: galleries don't load always on iOS devices

If the galleries always load OK on your Mac, then there is no problem with the gallery files themselves.
It sounds like the browser on your mobile device may be timing out whilst loading the galleries (which may be due to the speed of the web server where the galleries are hosted, your internet connection or the stability of your wi-fi connection).
I have viewed all your galleries from both links on an iPod Touch 4 iOS 6.1.3 over wi-fi and they all display OK.

With regard to the 3G problem, create an .htaccess file containing the following code and upload it to your website's root directory. (Please note that this requires an Apache web server.)

<IfModule mod_headers.c>
Header set Cache-Control "no-transform"

This should prevent content modification on your site when visitors view your galleries over a 3G connection.

You could also contact your 3G provider to see if it is possible for content modification to be turned off on your account (although this will help only when you view other people's galleries and will not solve the problem of other people viewing your own galleries over their own 3G connections, which the solution above tackles).

Re: galleries don't load always on iOS devices

Hi steven,

and thanks for your fast reply and suggestions.
I will have a look to fix/install that.

Regards from Hamburg, Germany
