Thanks! I will rest a while.......

Is there a planning available for this next version?

I an using a link in the caption field, with the imahe link target set to "_self". It does not work.
Please see the config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<juiceboxgallery indexPageName="indexverw.html" maxCaptionHeight="40" captionPosition="BELOW_IMAGE" showImageOverlay="ALWAYS" imageClickMode="OPEN_URL" imageTransitionType="FADE" captionBackColor="rgba(102,0,0,.5)" buttonBarBackColor="rgba(102,0,0,.5)" topBackColor="rgba(102,0,0,1)" showThumbsButton="true" showExpandButton="false" backgroundColor="rgba(0,0,0,1)" galleryTitle="dit is de top" enableDirectLinks="true" enableLooping="true" thumbQuality="99" thumbHeight="124" thumbWidth="124" imageQuality="80" maxImageHeight="1024" maxImageWidth="1024" showNavButtons="true" showInfoButton="true" showAutoPlayButton="true" buttonBarPosition="TOP" backButtonPosition="TOP" backButtonText="◄ Back" showBackButton="true" cropToFit="false" resizeOnImport="true" useFlickr="false"> -<image linkTarget="_self" linkURL="alb1/indexalb1.html" thumbURL="thumbs/arch_of_pillars(3).jpg" imageURL="images/arch_of_pillars(3).jpg">

and the URL:

What am I doing wrong?


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

it's all working in good order! Thanks!


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Thanks for this very quick reply!

The error reported occurs only by testing the new generated album local, on my desktop, using IE9.
I found this out after uploading the album to the server so you could inspect the album.

After uploading to te server I did not see the error again!
The URL:
Please: what shell I do to test te new generated album local?


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I am having the same problem as Dave The Drummer at 2012-05-17, using juicebox as skin with JAlbum.
I noticed you guys asked him to send the zipped contents of his album directory and I do hope you find a solution!

The index.html file says:
new juicebox({
backgroundColor : "rgba(34, 34, 34, 1.0)",
baseUrl : galleryPath,
configUrl : "config.xml",
containerId : "inner",
themeUrl : "res/juicebox/jbcore/classic/theme.css"

The gallery file says:
new juicebox({
backgroundColor : "rgba(34, 34, 34, 1.0)",
configUrl : "config.xml",
containerId : "juicebox-container",
themeUrl : "res/juicebox/jbcore/classic/theme.css"

The index.html file, the gallery.html file and the config.xml file are in the same directory: the album directory created bij JAlbum.
When I use the juicebox builder-PRO, I have no problems at all.
I compared the contents of the
Please, help me!