I'm making a gallery for this guy, of course he thinks his pictures are quite awesome... well, as I said - I'm making a gallery.


any feedback is much appreciated


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

would be nice to have event onThumbsChange() or isThumbsHidden() method in API to check current thumbs status


for now, I was able to detect 'Large Screen' mode using some jQuery

var largeScreen = false;

  largeScreen = true;

if code finds any element(namely div's) with css class name "jb-flag-large-screen-mode" it will switch largeScreen var to true.

Is there a property in API to check for current Screen Mode (Small, Large)?
Or maybe method to get it?

Something like in simpleviewer's API - svComplete() and svMobileComplete() methods