I figured it out! Thanks. What I didn't realize is that when I saved the page in JuiceboxBuilder-Lite that the program created the gallery webpage on its own! I was creating my own gallery page and then trying to direct the the hyperlinks to that page instead of to the page that JuiceboxBuilder-Lite was creating. That's why the Config.xml file was pointing in the wrong direction that whole time. Again thanks for your help and have a great day!

Hey Steven - first of all I want to thank you for trying to help me with this. I am impressed by the customer service here! So I did what you said. I got all the files out of the adriannelugo.com/images folder and just saved my juicebox image gallery into that folder. I delted all of the old files that juicebox had put on my computer. I copy and pasted the necessary html into the gallery page (still found at http://adriannelugo.com/juicebox_portfolio.html). Now when I go to that link the whole thing is just blank. It took me an hour to do all this and redo all my links and move my other images around so this is getting frustrating. The first time I did this it just worked seamlessly. I don't know why I can't just start over like I did and have it work again. Again thanks in advance for your help.

Thanks Steven. I will try that as soon as I get home from work. My first guess was similar to what you suggested but I thought my pics were in the right place. I think GODaddy puts them into a folder with the location:
http://adriannelugo.com/public_html/images rather than directly in the root folder. So I just need to figure out how to move them where they need to be. Why can't I just change the path in the embed code? Wouldn't that be easier?

My embed code is letter for letter and character for character exactly what it is supposed to be. I get my thumbnails down at the bottom of the screen but in the main window I am seeing just a spinning icon and my images never show up. Can somebody help me with this? This was a problem that I didn't use to have and when I changed my web hosting space to GoDaddy all of a sudden it for some reason is doing this. Here is the link:
Thank you in advance!
Ed in NC