I use a Mac mini running
Mojave 10.14.3
3GH Intel Core i7
8GB 1600 MHz DDR3
Juicebox Pro 1.5.1
Adobe Air 32
I have been using Juicebox Pro successfully for the past 2 years having upgraded from Simple-Viewr Pro
I tried to update my gallery yesterday
Juicebox Pro prompted me to install Adobe Air.
I installed Adobe Air and agreed to its terms and conditions and received a message confirming that it had been installed successfully
I restarted the computer
I then tried to start Juicebox Pro again. It triggered the Adobe Air Licence Agreement window again. I clicked the confirm Box again. At this point both the Adobe Air and the Juicebox quit without any further information or error messages.
I have uninstalled both software twice and there is still exactly the same problem.
I have performed the same operation with the computer off-line, online, all other drives detached, all other drives attached. The problem is consistently persistent.
The second problem I seem to be facing is that I submitted this problem to the Forum last night and the night before at least three times but there is no trace of it anywhere.
I am now submitting it using Google Chrome rather than Safari.
Can you please help?
Thank you.