Thank You!

Hi, I'm using wordpress. When I add multiple images to a gallery I find that its not organized in the order that I added then. Neither ascending nor descending. Its often times just random. I've also tried doing it one by one but they still don't organized. Is there a way to do this?

The box is now showing up, but theres an error.

"Juicebox Error: Config file not found."

I'm using juicebox pro wordpress plugin. I need to implement multiple galleries using the wp plugin. Is there a way to do this or do I need to go the embed route?
If so, I already created a gallery using the desktop application however nothing seems to show up on my live wp page.

1. Created gallery
2. Uploaded the entire folder to my sever's "HTML" folder.
3. Then I created a post and pasted the link(as text) from the desktop application to pmy wp post.

Still does work. I changed the path to: <script src="jbox/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script> "jbox" being the name of my gallery but it still doesn't work. I aslo tried using the full url of my website. <script src=""></script> but it still doesnt work.

**The full location of my gallery folder is: /var/www/html/jbox.**

If there is a way to use the plugin to create multi galleries on the same page please help me with that. Otherwise I'd love some assistance with embedding the gallery.
