BOOM! Done! v1.5.1.3 was the key.

Stephen, you can mark this SOLVED!


Well, Stephen, it appears that there is some merit to following the instructions...

I put the jbcore folder in the wrong place; issue #2 is resolved.

As to the editor issue, I'm using the built-in Gutenberg. However, I also noticed I'm using jb version do I get the latest version?

As always, thanks for your excellent support!

Good morning, Stephen!

I'm trying to activate JBPro on a new site, but am failing to make it happen.

Through cPanel File Manager I copied both the wp-juicebox and jbcore folders from a site where it works perfectly and then activated the plug-in through the WP dashboard (wp version 5.7.2).

When I created a new post, the Add Juicebox Gallery button is missing. I created a gallery through WP-Juicebox - Manage Galleries, copied the shortcode, pasted it into a shortcode block in my post and updated the post. When I view the post, though, it is ignoring the Pro Options and is displaying the Juicebox button in the bottom left corner of the gallery.

I'm not sure what I've done, but would appreciate your helping me straighten this out.


Greetings, and Happy Holidays, Steven! My apologies for not getting back to you sooner.

Thanks to your help you can close this marked as "Solved"

I had some slight tweaking to do on my end, but it's working perfectly now.

As an FYI, client restrictions prevent me from using Flickr.

This is pretty cool, being able to reference the same images in multiple galleries without having to worry about post attachments or duplicating data.

Thanks again, wishing you the best for the coming year!

Thanks! I'm starting to get a handle on this, but will need to clarify a few things.

As Flickr is not an option, I'll be hosting my own images. The question is "where"?

Keeping in mind, I'm using standard WordPress conventions. Since jbcore is in the plugins, I hard-coded script src to … uicebox.js

I added a new subfolder to the juicebox folder created in wp-content/uploads by the plugin and copied in some image files.

I used JB Builder-Lite (can't find my pro version...) to generate a config.xml.

I edited the paths in config.xml for each image file to the jb_gallery_1 path … gallery_1/

I uploaded config.xml to the jb_gallery_1

I added a custom HTML Gutenberg block and pasted in the embed code

It still shows up blank...

I hate to be so dense, but I'm just not clear on exactly what needs to go where and how to reference it.

Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm still getting a blank box.

I just created a new post, added a few images to the library, and created a JB gallery using the button. Everything worked as expected.

I opened up the xml file and added the <image> ... </image> tags for 3 images (after testing that the absolute paths were correct), saved it, refreshed my post page, and it's blank.

Could it possibly have something to do with the e_library="media" or the postID="XXXXX" ?

This is the XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<juiceboxgallery e_library="media" e_featuredImage="true" e_mediaOrder="ascending" useFlickr="false" flickrUserName="" flickrTags="" e_nextgenGalleryId="" e_picasaUserId="" e_picasaAlbumName="" galleryTitle="" e_textColor="ffffff" e_textOpacity="1" textColor="rgba(255,255,255,1)" e_thumbColor="ffffff" e_thumbOpacity="0.5" thumbFrameColor="rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" showOpenButton="false" showExpandButton="true" showThumbsButton="true" useThumbDots="false" useFullscreenExpand="true" e_galleryWidth="100%" e_galleryHeight="600px" e_backgroundColor="ffffff" e_backgroundOpacity="1" screenMode="LARGE" showPreloader="FALSE" showAutoPlayButtoan="TRUE" firstImageIndex="1" enableLooping="TRUE" imageTransitionType="FADE" showThumbsOnLoad="TRUE" showSmallThumbs="TRUE" maxThumbColumns="20" autoPlayOnLoad="TRUE" captionPosition="NONE" thumbWidth="35" thumbHeight="35" thumbPadding="5" postID="13965"
<image imageURL="" thumbURL="" linkURL="" linkTarget="_blank" > </image>
<image imageURL="" thumbURL="" linkURL="" linkTarget="_blank" > </image>
<image imageURL="" thumbURL="" linkURL="" linkTarget="_blank" > </image>
<image imageURL="" thumbURL="" linkURL="" linkTarget="_blank" > </image>

Any ideas? Thanks

Greetings and thanks for producing and supporting such a wonderful gallery display tool!

99% of my galleries are for posts that have attached media. For those, all I have to do is click the [Add JuiceBox Gallery] button.

Now I need to be able to build galleries that will use images associated with different posts. For example, I might have 10 portrait session posts, each with media and a single JB gallery. Now I want to show off my "best of" portraits. I create a post and will have to manually build the JB gallery.

No big deal; I just need a little help with the XML syntax. This is standard WordPress...
All the files live in wp-content/uploads/YYYY/MM/ folders

I was trying to follow the instructions at Step 4

<image imageURL="images/tall.jpg" thumbURL="thumbs/tall.jpg" linkURL="" linkTarget="_blank" >
<title>This is my title.</title> <caption>This is my caption.</caption> </image>

I modified the URLs, but no joy. I tried using JB Builder to generate the code locally, then edit the paths, but still came up empty.

<image imageURL="wp-content/uploads/2019/12/191011-rff-altria-0001-web-ready.jpg"

I'm sure this will be a simple fix on my part :D

If you need any more info, just let me know.
Thanks again!


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

While struggling with migrating from one web host to another (see, I uncovered another issue with juicebox. My constant activating, deactivating, deleting files and folders, etc. left me scratching my head as to where my Gallery_ID values where originating.

After poking around a bit with phpMyAdmin I found "juicebox_options" in the _options table.

I would suggest/request the following:

1) On activating juicebox, check to see if the \wp-contents\uploads\juicebox folder exists, and if it does, iterate the contents to determine the max id number and use that to initialize the juicebox_options

2) Add another function to the Manage Galleries to allow the user to execute suggestion #1 above

Thanks for your consideration in helping those who might not be so inclined to tinker with their databases.

Steven wrote:

It would be easier if you just re-posted in the Feature Requests thread. Thanks.
(I can split posts into new threads but I can't move a post from one thread into another.)

Got it!

Steven wrote:

I think I've found a solution to the problem.
Open the plugin's 'config.php', jb-config.php' and 'save-gallery.php' files in a plain text editor and change all instances of:

include_once $wp_path . 'wp-blog-header.php';

... to:

include_once $wp_path . 'wp-load.php';

(There is just once instance near the top of each file.)
I'd be very grateful if you could test this proposed solution in your own WordPress site and let me know if it works.
Thank you.

Thanks! This is working for me perfectly. As mentioned at the outset, that was way beyond my ability and I appreciate your solving it!

Steven wrote:

Thank you for your suggestion.

I recommend that you post your idea in the Feature Requests forum thread. This keeps all the ideas together and ensures that they are not overlooked by the developers.
I do not know the likelihood of any suggestions being implemented but this is certainly the best place for all ideas.

my bad. in my noobish haste, i completely overlooked that. ;-)

thanks for the redirection!

is it possible for one of the mods to move the post, or do i re-post?

While struggling with migrating from one web host to another (see, I uncovered another issue with juicebox. My constant activating, deactivating, deleting files and folders, etc. left me scratching my head as to where my Gallery_ID values where originating.

After poking around a bit with phpMyAdmin I found "juicebox_options" in the _options table.

I would suggest/request the following:

1) On activating juicebox, check to see if the \wp-contents\uploads\juicebox folder exists, and if it does, iterate the contents to determine the max id number and use that to initialize the juicebox_options

2) Add another function to the Manage Galleries to allow the user to execute suggestion #1 above

Thanks for your consideration in helping those who might not be so inclined to tinker with their databases.


After another painstaking 5 hours, I have finally figured out the problem, and unfortunately, I do not have the skills to hack the juicebox code to fix this myself.

There is a bug in how juicebox resolves permalinks!

I use a custom permalink: /%category%/%postname%/

When I change this back to the permalink that the MojoMarketplace "one-click install" used ( /index.php/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ ), my galleries started working!

After further testing, the problem ("bug") is that juicebox is requiring "/index.php" to be included in the permalink. This is a juicebox issue, not a Wordpress issue, as the site functions perfectly without "/index.php" being part of the permalink.

On one hand, I'm glad to at least be able to see my galleries.

On the other hand, though, this is something that juicebox should handle internally...

I am in the process of changing web hosts and have run into a major stumbling block in getting my Juicebox galleries to display.

I have deactivated all plugins. I deleted, reinstalled, and activated Juicebox Pro 1.5.0. I deleted the wp_content\uploads\juicebox folder.

I created a new post and uploaded new images. I *can* create a Wordpress gallery. However, when I try to create a Juicebox gallery using the [Add Juicebox Gallery] button, I get an error: WP-Juicebox is unable to insert a Juicebox Gallery shortcode tag.

However, the XML file is created and I can manually key in the shortcode.

Unfortunately, when I view the post, I get nothing but a big, gray box that says Juicebox Error: Config file not found.

When I view the page source, I can see find the embed code, and it looks fine:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var jb_1 = new juicebox({
        backgroundColor: "rgba(34,34,34,1)",
        configUrl: "",
        containerId: "juicebox-container-1",
        galleryHeight: "600px",
        galleryWidth: "100%"
<div id="juicebox-container-1"></div>

When I paste the configURL into my browser address bar, I see valid XML, including not only the gallery options, but also including all the images.

When I open the XML file in a text editor, everything looks fine.

I have successfully migrated one of my sites, but have spent the past 15 hours trying to understand why it is working on one site, but not this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.