So I had to go back and manually enter the "new"(actually the same) values and resave, and reupload the updated files for each gallery. :I Then they still weren't showing the changes, so I had to empty cache/incognito mode to see that the changes had taken effect for some reason.

I'm glad 1.5 fixed a lot of problems, but there are *a lot of fiddly/unclear values* now.

Thank you, Steven, for your assistance.

I got the latest version of Juicebox Pro working for my galleries, but the captions are not preserving their appearance on mobile Safari and I *still* can't get rid of the caption gradient that became default in 1.5. <- This is the site I am testing on. You can see that the captions still have the new gradient, which I want to change to a flat 50% opacity. <- images showing my Color settings in the Juicebox Pro app (which are unclear, I can't even tell what some of them change), my config file to confirm, the demo appearance in the Juicebox app and the actual Safari iOS appearance

Any help is appreciated.

Sidenote: I was also wondering if it's possible to change the position for the next and last image arrow buttons. 1.5 changed them to be on top of the image rather than off, to the side.


I am using Juicebox Pro 1.1.1 because 1.5 broke some older galleries I had on the web page or otherwise changed their appearance in a way that was undesirable. :T

I made a topic about it here:

I will try again to implement 1.5 but I saw no way to remove the gradient caption background in Juicebox Pro or preserve the original appearance without basically redoing all the galleries.

In Safari on iOS8, the captions for my images are pushed too far down the page to be visible (I can just barely see the top edge of the caption box at times). They display fine in Chrome, however awkward they might look.

Here is the website:

I have linked screenshots below:
Safari (with error)

How can I write conditional code to move the caption up in Safari? Or is this something unfixable?

I have a website here that I built using Juicebox Pro galleries a few years ago, and the old galleries still work fine, but when I downloaded the new Juicebox Pro software and attempted to repeat the same process to add a new gallery, it simply does not display, even though it seems like everything is right.

It might be related to the fact that I have an animated collapse javascript running to show and hide the different galleries, but it shouldn't matter that much, since the javascript applies itself to a container around each gallery, instead of to the gallery itself.

I can view the new juicebox's index.html page and it renders there, I just can't get it to appear on the website. <- website in progress, with attempt to add new gallery (top is newest). You can see how the other galleries display.

Below is the code for my new embed (juicebox4) next to an older embed (juicebox3). I tried leaving in the recent code additions for non-javascript-enabled devices but it didn't seem to make a difference.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

PARTIALLY RESOLVED: It has something to do with the way Juicebox (or the client server?) is fetching the javascript, and the GoDaddy servers are just eating themselves when I try to use FTP for some reason.

I had to do a bunch of fiddling with the way it loads the javascript, and ultimately had to tell it to load the pre-1.5 Juicebox javascript, because there's some code in there that I can't access (namely, a gradation in the caption that doesn't have an option in Juicebox Pro, as well as button placements, etc that didn't match the older galleries I'm using.) The working code is what's live now. If you can explain how it's working and the below wasn't, feel free to do so. :/

In addition, I had to manually set "OVERLAY_IMAGE" for the caption in the config xml file because it just wasn't applying through the app for some reason.

Below is my original code:

<a href="#" rel="toggle[gallery4]" /><h1>The Nature of Things (N.O.T.) &raquo;</h1></a>
<div id="gallery4" >
<script src="juicebox4/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
new juicebox({
containerId : "juicebox-container4",
baseUrl : 'juicebox4/',
galleryWidth: "600px",
galleryHeight: "600px",
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
<div id="juicebox-container4"></div>

<a href="#" rel="toggle[gallery3]" /><h1>Eleusinian Mysteries &raquo;</h1></a>
<div id="gallery3" >
<script src="juicebox3/jbcore/juicebox.js"></script>
new juicebox({
containerId : "juicebox-container3",
baseUrl : 'juicebox3/',
galleryWidth: "600px",
galleryHeight: "600px",
backgroundColor: "rgba(255,255,255,1)"
<div id="juicebox-container3"></div>