Thank you Steven.
I did.

Apple had many changes with IOS8 and Webkit too.. Search for all bugs with webkit on ios8.


Rewarded :)


We had a TEMP fix for the Library. the one about ios_version and window.scrollTo(0, -40)
By one of Vardot's Team (M.Khamash )

We just changed around this code to fix our configurations in a project.

if (context.utils.ios_version() >= 7 && current_width > current_height) {
       window.scrollTo(0, -40)



I do have the same issue.

This is only with Safari ..

Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 8_1_1 linke Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12B435 Safari/600.1.4

It's happening for Too.

I read about that ..

Update September 2014: iOS 8 has removed the minimal-ui feature There's again no way to remove/hide navigation bars other than to rely on the default browser behavior (bars will be hidden when scrolling, but only if the scrolling element is the BODY of the page). The only "workaround" is to save the app to the homescreen and have the proper meta tags set (see below).
Update August 2014: iOS 8 (beta) no longer supports minimal-ui. There's no workaround. (The reason for this is likely due to abuse by websites that used it to try to prevent people from navigating away, tho there may be new features in iOS 8 Safari that have not been made public yet that replace minimal-ui.)
iOS 7.1 added a new API to solve this problem:

<meta name="viewport" content="minimal-ui">

from this link … ipod-touch … ar-safari/

Some other components will not work like.


I do think we must have this fixed fast as we had this plugin purchased with a price.
