Is this a known issue with Juicebox?


Viewing your gallery's XML file directly in a browser results in the following error:

XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity
Line Number 2, Column 1:<?xml version="1.0"?>

WP-Juicebox creates the XML file (dynamically) using DOM techniques and the XML declaration should be at the very top of the document. (There should not be a blank line before it.)
I notice that on your main page (, there is also a blank line before the Doctype Declaration (which should also be at the top of the document).
It looks like your web host may be inserting blank lines into the documents when they are hosted on your web server which is breaking the gallery.
Check with your web host to see if the blank lines at the top of your documents are being introduced by them and, if so, how they can be removed.

The problem does not seem to be the container name. The mousewheel functionality works OK in fullscreen mode when using the HTML tag 'body' (using JavaScript alerts instead of Juicebox API calls).
The problem seems to be that it is not possible to call Juicebox API Methods in fullscreen mode (although Juicebox API Events are fired in fullscreen mode).
I do not know if it is possible to implement this in a future version of Juicebox-Pro but I will notify the developers of this issue.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

But now I am experiencing a baseurl error

If using an absolute URL for your baseUrl, make sure that it matches the URL you use to view your web site.
For example, if your baseUrl is but you view your web site using (a subdomain of, the gallery will fail due to the JavaScript same-origin policy security restriction. Please see here for details.
If this is the case, try using a relative baseUrl instead.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

But now I am experiencing a baseurl error because of something in my ajax script.

If using an absolute URL for your baseUrl, make sure that it matches the URL you use to view your web site.
For example, if your baseUrl is but you view your web site using (a subdomain of, the gallery will fail due to the JavaScript same-origin policy security restriction. Please see here for details.
If this is the case, try using a relative baseUrl instead.


(22 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

If you choose not to 'Resize Images' but choose to use a 'Watermark', any IPTC and EXIF data will not be retained in the watermarked images output to the gallery's 'images' folder.
The only way to retain any IPTC and EXIF data is to ensure that JuiceboxBuilder does not manipulate and re-save your images by not resizing the images and not adding a watermark.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

No. It is not possible to disable touch gestures when a Juicebox gallery is displayed on a mobile device.
Without the touch gestures, users would not be able to navigate through a gallery on a mobile device.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I can correct this by setting an image padding with the same dimension or larger of the image shadow blur.

As far as I am aware, this is intentional. The imagePadding set by the user is respected, irrespective of the amount of imageShadowBlur used, and should be increased to accommodate the image shadow if required.

Another odd thing is the thumbnail padding, the thumbs shadow blur is cut off by a thumbpadding smaller than the Thumb Shadow Blur.

This seems to be similar to the main image scenario whereby the thumbPadding must be a large enough value to accommodate the thumbShadowBlur used.

This is different by the main image, the shadow is still visible with an image padding smaller than the image shadow blur.

The image shadow is still visible if the imagePadding is less than the imageShadowBlur but, like the thumbnails, it is cut off if the imagePadding is not of a sufficiently high value. The image shadow cut-off (in a gallery where the imagePadding is less than the imageShadowBlur) can usually be seen by introducing stagePadding into the mix.


(10 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You're right about the selected  thumb. But I have yet to figure out how to do that.

If still using the CSS you posted above, you could add the following code to make the thumbnail corresponding to the selected image stand out.

.jb-idx-thb-list .jb-thm-thumb-selected {
    opacity: 0.8;


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Your galleries display OK in IE8 (within IETester) on my PC.
Try clearing your browser's cache before reloading the galleries to ensure that your browser is not hanging onto and using older version of your gallery files.
Being that I am able to view your galleries in IE8 (within IETester) on my PC, the following suggestions should not make a difference but might be worth trying.
Try validating your web page's code with the W3C Markup Validation Service and fix any errors reported. Once your web page's code validates, it should be rendered with greater predictability and consistency across different browsers.
You could also try changing the Doctype of your page to HTML5 to see if this makes a difference.
For more information about Juicebox and Doctypes, please see here.


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

WP-Juicbebox does not support watermarking images.
Perhaps you could try a WordPress watermarking plugin such as Bulk Watermark or Watermark RELOADED which would allow you to watermark the uploaded images in your Media Library.

I'm unable to make 9 rows of thumbnails into the gallery and also I cannot remove the gap between the main image and thumbnails.

There is currently a 10px gap between the main images and the thumbnails hardcoded into the 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file which is obfuscated and cannot be modified.
It is on the roadmap to remove this padding in a future version on Juicebox (but I do not know exactly when this will be).

Also, if you are converting SimpleViewer galleries to Juicebox, the Converting a SimpleViewer Gallery section of the 'Juicebox - Creating Galleries' page may help.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You have set imageScaleMode="NONE" in your gallery's XML file. When using this setting, large images are cropped to fit the available image area (which, when using gallery dimensions of 100% x 100%, will depend entirely on the size of the user's browser window). If you want all your images to be displayed in their entirety with no cropping, set imageScaleMode to either 'SCALE' or 'SCALE_DOWN'.
If using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro to create or edit your gallery, the imageScaleMode configuration option can be found in the 'Customize -> Main Image' section.

For descriptions of the possible values of the imageScaleMode configuration option, please see the Main Image Options of the 'Juicebox - Config Options' page.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I completely understand about the need to select a gallery on pages with multiple galleries but, just thinking out loud, would it be possible to code in some kind of logic whereby if there is only one gallery on a page, then keyboard controls would be activated on page load?

It may be possible to implement one of the suggestions from this forum thread.
However, the gallery's 'juicebox.js' JavaScript file is obfuscated so I do not know which div within the gallery must be given focus in order for keyboard controls to function. Some trial and error may be required and I cannot guarantee that it can definitely be done, though you may like to try.

Also, just want to say, what a great job you guys have done with the additional features and functionality that have been added since V1. Keep up the good development work!

Thank you! Your comments are very much appreciated.


(10 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

It is IE8 not IE9. Filter does not work.

Rather than using CSS directly, you could try using the available configuration options to give the appearance of dim unselected thumbnails.
Try setting the thumbFrameColor to black with an opacity of 0.5 and make the thumbFrameWidth for unselected thumbnails cover the entire thumbnail image (by choosing a large value).

I can't get rid of the frame around the thumbs in IE8



... in your gallery's XML file.
If using JuiceboxBuilder-Pro to create or edit your gallery, these configuration options can be found in the 'Customize -> Thumbnails' section.


(10 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Your code works fine in IE9 on my computer. (IE9 supports the CSS 'opacity' property.)
You could try using the following code:

opacity: 0.4;
filter: alpha(opacity=40);

... where the 'opacity' property will be used by modern browsers and the 'filter' property will be used by versions of Internet Explorer prior to IE9.
Also, after making any changes, try clearing your browser's cache before reloading your gallery.


(4 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Going directly to the location of the first image in your gallery: … 2008-1.jpg in a browser results in an error 403 (forbidden).
Check the permissions of your gallery folder (and all subfolders within) with an FTP program to make sure they are 755.
Also, check the permissions of the image files themselves to make sure they are 644.

If this does not help, check with your web host to see if you have hotlink protection enabled on your hosting account. If you do, ask your web host if it can be removed.
This prevents direct linking to images on the web server and will break the gallery.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

When using Flickr Tags, it may take some time (up to 48 hrs) for the tags to propagate fully through Flickr's system in order for the images to show up in API searches (such as that performed by Juicebox to fetch the images from Flickr's servers).
Please see the Flickr FAQs on this web page for further details.
You could temporarily try removing the flickrTags configuration option from your gallery's settings to see if all your Flickr images appear in your gallery. You may also need to clear your browser's cache after making any changes and before reloading your gallery.

If the images you wish to use in your Juicebox gallery have not yet been uploaded to the Media Library, click the 'Add Media' button on the 'Create/Edit Post' page, go to 'Upload Files', upload the files and close the pop-up window.

If the images you wish to use in your Juicebox gallery have already been uploaded to the Media Library and are not already attached to a post, go to the Media Library itself and attach each image to the post containing the gallery. (Do not select the images using the 'Add Media' button on the 'Create/Edit Post' page and click 'Insert into post'. This, as you have discovered, will insert the image directly into the post as a separate entity.)

Also, there is no longer any need to 'Update' the post containing the gallery or 'Edit' and 'Save' the gallery after adding new images to an existing gallery images but you may need to clear your browser's cache in order to see the new images.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

ir order to managing with wordpress, how can i hide the title with code?

If using the Media Library as the source of images for your gallery, WordPress (prior to v3.5) does not allow you to have an image with an empty Title.
In order to not display the Titles in your WP-Juicebox gallery, you would have to edit the 'wp-juicebox/config.php' file in a plain text editor and change line 66 from:

$title_text = $new_dom_doc->createCDATASection($attachment->post_title);

... to:

$title_text = $new_dom_doc->createCDATASection('');

(The line numberabove refers to WP-Juicebox v1.2.0.)

if i change the color of the box with code, the opaccity turn to 100%, what´s the code option to change the opaccity of the box

Enter the following code into the 'Pro Options' text area of your WP-Juicebox's settings window:


gallery navigation in ipad have a problem with this box caption, image and box not move at the same time. is it possible to solve this?

Perhaps there is a conflict between WP-Juicebox and your current WordPress theme or another plugin which you have installed and activated. Try reverting to the default WordPress theme and deactivate all your other plugins to see if your WP-Juicebox gallery then works as expected. If it does, reactivate your other plugins one by one until you find the source of the conflict.

and one thing more, is it possible to change the apparence of navigation buttoms without css customization

No. If you wish to change the navigation arrows, you would need to edit the 'jbcore/classic/img/assets.png' file in an image manipulation program such as Adobe Photoshop. Please see the Juicebox - Theming page for further details.


(5 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

It is necessary to first click on the gallery to give the gallery container focus before keyboard controls work.
If there are multiple galleries embedded on a single web page (or other elements which have their own keyboard controls), the user would have to select which one to be active.

If the above is not possible, would it at least be possible for the keyboard controls to be activated when a user clicks on a thumbnail and not just when they click on a navigation button?

Thank you for reporting. I have notified the developers to see if it is possible to extend the clicking area to cover the entire gallery.


(3 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hi, I´d like to show the image number, but i don´t like the caption box with title image, i prefer hide it. Is it possible?

In JuiceboxBuilder-Pro:

  • Go to 'Images -> Titles -> Use None' (from the drop down menu at the top)

  • Set showImageNumber="TRUE" ('Customize -> Caption' section)

  • Choose a captionBackColor with an opacity of zero, e.g. rgba(0,0,0,0) ('Customize -> Color' section)

And another question, is it possible hide gallery thumbnails by default?

Yes. Set showLargeThumbs="FALSE" ('Customize -> Thumbnails' section). This will hide the thumbnails when the gallery is first displayed. The user can then choose whether or not to show the thumbnails via the 'Toggle Thumbnails' button. If you wish to hide this button too, set showThumbsButton="FALSE".


(2 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

You have specified your gallery's dimensions as absolute pixel values in the embedding code:

galleryWidth: "1600px",
galleryHeight: "1200px",

... so the gallery will always be 1600px x 1200px, no matter what the size of the user's browser window is.
If you would like your gallery to resize dynamically with the size of the user's browser window, you will need to specify your gallery's dimensions (and the dimensions of all parent containers) as percentages, e.g.:

galleryWidth: "100%",
galleryHeight: "100%",

If doing so, please see this note about Using Percentage Heights.


(8 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

No. flickrSetId is available only in Juicebox-Pro. The 'Flickr Pro Options' can be found here.
Configuration options available to Juicebox-Lite can be found here.

Try looking within your web page's CSS files for generalized CSS rules which apply to HTML tags such as 'div' or img' rather than specific instances of containers which already use classes or ids.
As a start, try removing the 'Global' section of your theme's … /style.css file.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

No, but if you would like to change the way that your gallery currently functions, you could change the position of the captions via the captionPosition configuration option and change when to show the overlay via the showImageOverlay configuration option.