
in my file juicebox_pro_1.4.4.1 there is also no juicebox_pro.lrwebengine to click on. Only a folder named after that.

Lightroom installation not possible.

Maybe you can help

Best regards


thank you for your elaborate answer. After some clean up programs (registry defrag and cleanup) - I just was about to reinstall the program - and some reboots it suddenly worked again.

The open gallery works both ways with selecting the folder from one level above and directly from where the config.xml file is located.

A reinstall was not necessary.

Thanks again for this cool piece of stuff :-)


I try to reopen galleries I had made. I choose Open Gallery from the menu (Gallery, Open), choose the folder by marking it (which contains the config.xml file) and - nothing happens. Any hints ?

Best regards


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


again one more request. I want to have a switch within the user´s interface (in the gallery in the actual html page), so that he/she can make a decision what resolution of the pictures shall be displayed (high, medium, low). Of course I want to make that switch switchable :-)

And second, I want to have a switch/variable that upon the Drupal Organic Groups memberships ( Drupal OG ) certain features and rights are autoswitching within the group (decision for download original size, decision for non-watermark pictures, decision for use with music etc.)

Best regards


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

To gfs

Cool idea!

It looks really nice and cute. I personally tend to lose control because it is running faster. If I step through a large number of pictures with this fast rewind button I tend to not view any more a picture in fullsize after I have used the high speed  bar.

You have to do two things if you  want to view a picture: First slow down, second move the mouse button precisely to the picture you would like to view and then klick. After viewing this single picture you have to move out your mouse and make a selection to move your mouse rightwards or leftwards and als choose the right speed for scrolling. In most of my tries I missed some frames and I have to scroll backwards. After you have completed this procedure a few times, you will be fed up with that :-)

But that is my ony personal impression.

As an trendy option and switchable and configurable as option, choosable for a) the PC and tablet/iphone seperately, I would say thumbs up!

But what about a button combination like control or shift and the cursor buttons for scolling the thumbnails. With that you are both very fast and precise.

Another feature request:

Keep the last choosen loaded preset after saying new gallery. Believe me after doing that 149 times for the coresponding number of galleries, it is fatigueing to say:Load preset, switch directory, choose preset and say ok. And please show the choosen preset at a prominent location (like in word the file name after the term MS Word in the top Programm Bar)

The hide/autohide thing should be switchable. I brings a lot of stress into viewing if any time you reach the left or right side the thumbnails come in and out, I like the more static view. Or options for all the different approaches of us to get a good viewing impression.

Best regards


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


one more feature request. I want to have a directory within the gallery folder named "originals". This as an option, you have to have the possibility to create this directory or not.

Second option is to mark the originals in the originals folder you put there with a) with the watermark b) without the watermark. You may say that we have the watermark switch for the images you view in the gallery, but in a lot of cases it will be wishable to have the originals with a watermark in the original image(or without, depending on the purpose of the gallery). And please do that with a switch for leaving exif data in the files or leave them out.

By the way, the Juicebox Builder runs without any crashes, one of the very few programs that are rock proof running :-)

Best regards


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Hello wspollack,

thank you for your kindly sharing your script. It´s supposed to be a cool timesaver :-)

best regards


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


that sounds great. I have read that, but thought it not to go, because I do not open a new browser window for the gallery. If that is the case and would apply for the iPhone special page, that would be great. I think I have to replace all the jbcore directories for an upgrade.

Thank you for that outstanding service!

Best regards


(495 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)


I urgently need a separate handler for portrait pictures. It should work with the resize option within Juicebox-Builder Pro.
For now in mostly all portrait pictures the heads are a little bit chopped off. The new feature should treat the pictures as follows: i.e. 1920*1080 for landscape and it should set the height to 1080 with a width accordingly to the original format for the portrait size. That should be made switchable within the software. Yes it can be made by hand, but if you have to work with a very high number of galleries, each with pictures in the several hundreds and lower K´s that does not improve your workflow by viewing each gallery and separating the pictures by hand.

Second. I like to have the choice for having three or even four different picture sizes. The users should be capable of switching it by themselves. There are such a large variety of connection speeds out there. Within Juicebox-Builder Pro it should be possible to set the different sizes. Remember, the difference from dial-up to highspeed 50Mbit and higher is really great.

Third. All Path settings should be made within Juicebox-Builder Pro. Please separate them in that software and bring them to a new tab. It should be possible to choose for each setting for a relative or an absolute path. It cannot be that a absolute path for the back button (on iPhones) is needed to function proper.

Fourth. A switch for keeping or loosing exif information if you resize your pictures.

Fifth. Applause. For the new feature of putting two or more galleries on one page (that was requested and build into in a very short time)

Best regards