(6 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

I'm always changing them, that's the problem.. :)

Let the engines know the content is often changing.
.htaccess , sitemap.xml & meta tag for last updated.  I've found that after while, the robots visit more often.

Can I suggest you release this ASAP, or post what code needs correcting to address the fault.

I recently downloaded the lite version for testing and promptly discovered the issue with some preliminary testing.  Verifying the same issue existing with Juicebox's Demo gallery http://www.juicebox.net/demos/lite/full/ (the issue doesn't affect embedded version btw, and flashes on and off on Full Pro version), but liking what else I've seen with the gallery I searched for the issue in forums rather than simply abandoning the software.

My site only gets a small number of hits per month, ~200 unique, but the last thing I want with a fledgling business is to appear amateurish with malfunctioning code.  60% of my visitors use mobiles, and a significant amount use Chrome.