That did it.

Thanks so much.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

A few things:
*Try as I might, I haven't been able to get any navigation buttons to show up on the Stage. I've toggled everything I can think of and nothing's happening.

*When I have thumb dots and transition set to slide, clicking a thumb dot will result in a fade transition instead of a slide. Is this supposed to happen? Because when I click anywhere on the stage (see above about the lack of navigation buttons), the images slide.

When I start a new gallery, I can see the images as normal. But I had been working on a gallery previously and opened it to keep working on it. Its settings are as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<juiceboxpreset thumbPadding="10" imageNavPadding="10" topAreaHeight="50" captionBackColor="rgba(0,0,0,0.4)" textShadowColor="rgba(0,0,0,0)" thumbDotHoverColor="rgba(0,0,0,1)" showThumbsOnLoad="true" showSmallThumbsOnLoad="true" buttonBarHAlign="CENTER" captionHAlign="CENTER" textColor="rgba(255,255,255,1)" indexPageName="new index" showNavButtons="true" buttonBarPosition="NONE" imageNavPosition="IMAGE" showOverlayOnLoad="false" showImageOverlay="NEVER" imageClickMode="NAVIGATE" galleryTitlePosition="NONE" enableLooping="true" backgroundColor="rgba(34,34,34,0)" imageShadowColor="rgba(0,0,0,0)" navButtonIconColor="rgba(255,0,0,1)" showImageNav="true" showThumbsButton="false" showExpandButton="false" showOpenButton="false" useThumbDots="true" captionPosition="BELOW_THUMBS" showImageNumber="false" imageScaleMode="NONE" galleryHeight="505" cropToFit="true" maxImageHeight="440" maxImageWidth="780"/>

I have other galleries that I had made in the past that open just fine, but I don't know why this one won't show. It publishes just fine, as far as I can tell, but there seems to be something that the editor doesn't like about it.


(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Don't seem to play well together. I've just updated my Juicebox, and I still can't get the two of them to do anything together- either the captions are on or the thumb dots are on but never both, even when the caption is somewhere other than below thumbs.

Ideally, I would have the thumbs below and a caption to the right; is this even possible? If it's not, it ought to be.

Take a look at this screenshot using Firefox's 'Inspect Element' functionality. The dotted line shows the thumbnail area. The area to the right of the thumbnail area is the image area. The thumbnails are horizontally centred within the thumbnail area and there is an equal amount of space to the left and right of the main image within the image area.

I did, and they aren't really, but I'm not going to fight with you any more about 10 pixels or so in the main image area, and probably about 4 in the thumbnail area.

Centering the gallery (the 'juicebox-container' <div> with the background color of #63000) within your page (so that there is an equal amount of space either side of it) is different to positioning the gallery elements within the gallery

Thank you for explaining that now; this is not completely obvious to the uninitiated.

It has that background color so I can see whether or not these efforts to center it are actually working- as I already mentioned, the main problem is that the fact that the pieces of the gallery, however you want to group or classify them, look out of place with the rest of the page's center-aligned content.

Changing the StagePadding didn't do anything by itself. Changing the ThumbPadding didn't do anything period, aside from make the thumbnails closer together. Changing the ThumbNavPosition (for whatever reason) to Center along with changing the Stagepadding seems to have (more or less) fixed the issue, though really, I have the nagging feeling that if I went and measured it again, it would not actually be centered, but close enough as not to be worth arguing about, and really, I'm still somewhat vexed that the main image is not absolutely centered within its container, especially with a Scale option enabled- shouldn't the program be taking care of this?

Your gallery (the 'juicebox-container' <div>) is horizontally centered within its parent container and, within the gallery, the thumbnails are centered within the thumbnail area and the main image is centered within the image area.

This I do not understand. If the <div>, which I assume means the entire gallery, is centered, and then each element is centered within its own area, why does the Main Image have a greater amount of blank space on its left side than its right, if the edge of the thumbnail is assumed to be the edge of the thumbnail container? Why is the Button Bar not centered? Why would the thumbnails be flush to the edge of the container, if the entire gallery is centered within the container?

As far as I'm concerned, if the entire gallery were centered, it would look something like this: … ntered.jpg

This is because you have set thumbsPosition="LEFT" and thumbNavPosition="BOTTOM".

I want the thumbnails to the left of the image. That, in fact, was the majority of the reason I bought Pro, as Lite only allows you to have them below. I did not realize that I wouldn't have any control over the gallery layout past putting them on the left side, though.

Try resizing your gallery browser (by reducing its width) and you will see that the thumbnails and main images become closer together.

For me, this isn't really an acceptable solution, as it's not giving me the layout I want when I bring the gallery up in what I consider a normal browser layout. Maybe this works better for mobile; I don't know, I'm not a web expert here.

Currently, there is no configuration option available to horizontally align the main images to the right edge of the image area. However, in a browser window of a certain aspect ratio (closer to portrait than landscape), the right side of your main images will be flush against the right edge of the gallery. Try resizing your browser window and you should see this.

I don't want the main image aligned right.

I want it, along with the thumbnails, nicely aligned center. Since everything is centered in my Wordpress site, it looks off-center with the thumbnails flush to the left and the main image (apparently) floating in no particular place.

thumbsPosition="LEFT" - I had this already.
maxThumbRows="3"  - I had this already.
maxThumbColumns="3"  - I had this already.
thumbNavPosition="BOTTOM"  - I had this already.
thumbPadding="0" -Doesn't provide any real appreciable effect, aside from making the thumbnails closer together.
imagePadding="0"  - I had this already.
imageScaleMode="FILL" - This balloons the image to the point where I can't see all of it, no matter what I seem to do to my browser's proportions. I'm not sure why this is even an option. ScaleMode = "SCALE" seems to keep it within the bounds of the container, though again, it's not really centered, and I'm kind of disappointed with this so far.

However, your gallery is horizontally centered within its parent container.

Um, no, it's not?

It's pretty clearly aligned to the left, since the thumbnails are flush with the left side of the container, and the image with the largest horizontal measurement doesn't come close to the right side. Or do you mean that each separate item, the thumbnails and main image RESPECTIVELY, as opposed to the GALLERY (which to me would be the two of them together), are centered within their respective containers?

And I would actually like to reduce the distance between the thumbnails and the main image, if that's at all possible.

Also, changing the thumbNavPosition also made the entire gallery jump from one position to the other, but still slewing left.

So I am using Wordpress for my site, and have embedded the code in the page.

I used the

"style="margin: 0 auto;"

  fix that was supposed to center my gallery, and it's not working. See it in action here; the gallery is shifted to the left of the content area:

And is there a way to change the distance between the thumbnails and the main image?



(496 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

That's a pretty interesting program, wspollack, I might have to start using it myself. Thanks for the tip.


(496 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

There should be more layout options built into JuiceboxBuilder- why do I have to jiggle the embed code just to align the gallery in a certain way, especially when it seems like such a small bit of code? This seems like something that most, if not all users would want to do out of the box, but instead I have to check the forum to figure out how to get it done.

Also, I'd like to see something where users can choose the distance between the thumbnails and the main image- I don't know enough about coding to make these sorts of changes on my own, and in fact, that's why I made the decision to buy Juicebox; I figured that there would be a lot more fine control over how the gallery looks, but it seems like that's not the case. It's still quite useful, but I think that would be a big improvement.

Finally, from reading the first few posts in this thread, it seems that the simplest way to notify users about updates would be to use the email addresses that you've collected by PayPal- I don't use Twitter, so I'm never going to find out about new versions, it seems.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

It sounds like your theme may be the root of the probem. Please let me know whet theme you used so that I can investigate further.

The theme was Gridiculous , which I was demoing alongside Juicebox to see if I might buy them both, but if I have to go digging around in the CSS to fix things, I might have to change to another one.

Your gallery currently used the following code:

backgroundColor: '#222222'

Change this to:

backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'

The 4th parameter of the rgba expression (the alpha channel) is the opacity of the background (0 being transparent and 1 being opaque). If you use a 6-digit hexadecimal code rather than an rgba expression, the gallery's background will be opaque.
If using JuiceboxBuilder-Lite to create or edit your gallery, set the opacity of your gallery's background color to 0 on the 'Customize' tab.

I built the gallery with JuiceboxBuilder-lite then used the instructions you gave to embed it. I forgot to edit the embed code, anda thought that I was updating it when I kept fiddling with the gallery and reuploading it. Thanks a lot for pointing that out.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

So changing to the Twenty Twelve theme seems to have fixed the thumbnail frame, but I still don't understand why it would have broken in the first place, since I didn't change anything between then and now... What exactly qualifies as "generalized CSS?"

And the transparent background for the gallery doesn't seem to change no matter what I do.


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Thanks so much, that worked fine but with one problem. After changing the thumbs and uploading the gallery, the frame that appears around the edges of the thumbnails seems to have shrunk, even though the thumbnils are the same size as the thumbnails that Juicebox generated.

In fact, even on the gallery that  I first set up when I had originally posted this thread seems to have been affected in the same way, but I know that this was after I added the other gallery, because I showed someone the first gallery yesterday less than 24 hours ago.

Did I break something?

EDIT: And I've set the Background Opacity to 0, but it's still showing a black background around the images/thumbs. Also wondering if i've broken something. The page is here:


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Steven wrote:

By default, a Juicebox gallery's XML file will be named 'config.xml' and will be inside the gallery folder alongside the 'jbcore' folder.
However, if using WP-Juicebox, the gallery's XML file is generated dynamically using PHP at the time the gallery is displayed so it cannot easily be modified manually.

So I can't really use my own thumbnails, huh? That's what I was afraid of. Even if it's not "easy," is there some sort of workaround for this?


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)

Thanks for getting back to me.

Steven wrote:

This is possible. Each thumbnail in a Juicebox gallery is assigned a unique URL so you could create your own thumbnails and point towards then using the thumbURL entries in the gallery's XML file.

Where might I find this xml file? I've only seen "default.xml" so far, and I have a Juicebox gallery set up.

Steven wrote:

Here is a demo Juicebox-Pro gallery which closely resembles a SimpleViewer gallery.

YES. This is exactly what I want. Can I accomplish this while using Wordpress, like with a 12-column layout or something?


(12 replies, posted in Juicebox-Lite Support)


I used SimpleViewer for several years (and currently still do while I look for something to replace it), and like others before me, have been forced to look for an alternative because of Apple's pooh-poohing of Flash. I've been messing with Juicebox, but I'm kind of frustrated with it, because I'd really just like to have a gallery that looks like the ones on my site, like this for example:

Mainly, I'd like to be able to make my own thumbnails, and have a larger fullview image than what I've been able to get Juicebox to produce, as well as the complete horizontal layout, as opposed to the fullview above the thumbnails, and I'm not sure what to do.

Also, testing Juicebox in WordPress hasn't really given great results (mostly because of the issues above), so I guess I need to know if there's some sort of optimal WordPress layout to use Juicebox with in order to do something like what I had in Simpleviewer?

Any help would be appreciated. I've been using the free Simpleviewer so long, I probably ought to get Juicebox pro, but I'd rather know it's going to be able to do what I need it to do before I commit.