I've updated WP-Juicebox to version 1.3.1 and Juicebox-Pro 1.3.1 and most new features are working great!  However, the addSEOContent="TRUE" feature doesn't seem to be working.

Here is a link to view a gallery in which this is the case:

When you view source code, it doesn't show the "Image gallery content for non-javascript devices" and the accompanying search engine friendly code.

Any advice on how I might get it to display the SEO content?  Thanks in advance for the help, I am really loving the new features!

Cool! Would it be possible to use

<?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?>



(1 replies, posted in Juicebox-Pro Support)

Pinterest Pin it buttons can't see the large images in a Juicebox Gallery.  Is there a way to enable this?

Thanks Steven! I ended up ditching the poorly written theme.

My mobile gallery splash images seem to be cropped so it looks weird.  Is there a way to have it show the full image (uncropped)?

Hi Steven-

I could send you a login to my dashboard if you want to take a look.  What's the best way to pm or email it to you?

I found the error message in chrome developer tools. There isn't a popup error or anything. It is when I click the button to add a juicebox gallery... the window opens, but it is blank. 

In firefox, it gives this error in the popup box:
XML Parsing Error: no element found
Location: http://sampleurl.com/wp-content/plugins … onfig.php?
Line Number 1, Column 1:

I am testing WP-Juicebox with Wordpress and it seems to be conflicting with the theme I am using: http://themeforest.net/item/showroom-po … me/3473628

This is the error (sample url):
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) http://sampleurl.com/wp-content/plugins … onfig.php?

I've tried other themes with no issues... so it is with this particular theme.

Any help to resolve the issue would be greatly appreciated!

Worked perfectly, thanks!

I am testing WP-Juicebox, it seems that the main image uses the original image.  For wordpress, there are three default image sizes that are automatically created whenever you upload an image: Thumbnail Size, Medium Size, and Large Size.  Would it be possible to use the Large Size instead of the original image size?

The reason that I ask is that I would like to upload full resolution images to the library and have Juicebox gallery display a web resized version. My full resolution images are about 30MB each, so they would take much too long to download if Juicebox is displaying css-scaled down versions of the original.